Applied Science

“An encyclopedia of approximately 300 entries, Applied Science attempts to describe central scientific ideas and their practical applications in a clear and concise way for high school students. While this resource is directed primarily at the secondary school student, beginning college students (or non-STEM majors looking for simple introductions to concepts) may find the material useful. The article topics run the gamut from moderately broad (e.g., Acoustics, Soil Science) to rather narrow (e.g., Coal Gasification, Space Environments for Humans), but, given the need to describe significant technologies, this range is unsurprising and, perhaps, necessary. Each article is generally five to eight pages in length and includes a brief summary, definitions of terms, principles, history, basic concepts, their applications, related industries, career options, and additional readings (including both print and Websites). Entries are written in a clear and accessible manner, although none go into great depth on their topic, and are sparsely illustrated with photographs. The set begins with an introduction and brief history of (mostly) Western Science plus a table of common measures; it ends with a collection of one paragraph biographies of notable scientists, an additional glossary, a timeline of technological development, a general bibliography, and an index. Applied Science is not as complete a reference tool as the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (see ARBA 09, entry 1130), and the high school focus makes it less useful for advanced students, but this could be a useful addition to a collection serving younger students with an interest in the connection between science and technology.”


“This five-volume reference contains roughly 300 alphabetically arranged articles pertaining to science and technology and emphasizing the interconnectedness of various disciplines and applications as well as the impact of these endeavors on everyday life. High school students constitute the primary intended audience, and material is geared toward supporting the high school science curriculum and investigation into career and education paths. The entries are consistently structured with such elements as related fields of study, key terms and concepts, background and history, science basics (or "how it works"), social context and future prospects, and a "fascinating facts" sidebar. References and cross references are included. The fifth volume contains appendixes: brief bios of scientists, a glossary, and a timeline. It also contains the subject index and a category index grouping entries according to broad areas and disciplines.” -Book News

“General reference works geared toward helping students understand the basics of applied science—especially as a particular field may relate to their future career plans—can be useful additions to reference collections. Applied Science offers insight on the connections between various branches of science and technology, describes how applied science affects everyday life, and gives students a broad overview of specific areas for use in vocational guidance. Written at a level readily accessible to students and edited for integration into the high-school curriculum, this work reflects the contributions of more than 120 subject specialists. The 313 alphabetically arranged, signed articles range in length from 5 to 7 pages. Broad areas covered include agriculture, astronomy, biology, chemistry, climatology, computer science, engineering, environmental science, geology, mathematics, medicine, social sciences, and physics. Articles follow a standard format: “Fields of Study,” “Summary,” “Key Terms and Concepts,” “Definition and Basic Principles,” “Background and History,” “How It Works,” “Applications and Products,” “Impact on Industry,” “Careers and Coursework,” “Social Context and Future Prospects,” and “Further Reading.” Sample articles include Applied mathematics, Archaeology, Computer graphics, Ergonomics, Genetically modified organisms, Fuel cell technologies, Landscape ecology, Nursing, Radio astronomy, Software engineering, and Wind power technology. Sidebars in each article offer “fascinating facts” that should pique student interest in the discipline under discussion. More than 300 black-and-white charts, graphs, maps, and photographs supplement the text. See also references link related articles. Appendixes include a 16-page biographical dictionary of scientists, a 10-page glossary, a 48-page annotated time line of milestones in the history of applied science, and a 20-page general bibliography of print books. A category index and a general-subject index facilitate access to the contents. Distinguished for its broad scope, examples from daily life, and utilitarian career information, Applied Science merits recommendation for high-school and undergraduate libraries.”