Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: Manga Review

“The descriptions and analyses offered for each work are generally erudite and insightful... Libraries supporting course work related to manga will want to invest in this expansive volume... Recommended”

“This impeccable reference work will prove useful to librarians and fans wanting to know what to buy as well as for scholars studying the medium.”
-Library Journal

“This work analyzes manga's most important titles to give English-speaking, Western readers a fuller image of what manga is, both through its history and in the present...Recommended.”
-Library Journal

“The second edition of this popular reference work discusses sixty-five highly regarded works in the manga medium. Each essay is between three and four pages in length, with bibliographic information leading into a structured text divided into the following sections: publication history, plot, volumes, characters, style, themes, and impact... For those interested in manga, this book provides comprehensive information on the most popular and influential manga novels of recent years.”
-ARBA, 2019