Critical Insights: The Supernatural
The supernatural as a category of literature can be difficult to define, and it can be especially difficult to distinguish supernatural literature from such closely related forms of writing as fantasy, horror, science fiction, and so on.
However, as the term itself implies, supernatural literature often involves a close if strange relationship between reality as we normally experience it and something above or beyond (and often threatening to) our everyday lives and expectations. Often, supernatural literature involves a sense of mystery and danger (as in ghost stories) or even dangerous seduction (as in vampire narratives). Emerging from and closely related to Gothic literature, supernatural writing often emphasizes both mystery and the adrenalin-fueled excitement that mystery frequently provokes. The present volume will examine supernatural literature from historical, philosophical, sociological, and other perspectives while also paying close attention to the artistic effectiveness of supernatural writings, the ways such writings have influenced other media (especially films); the reception accorded, over the centuries, to supernatural fictions; and many other issues.
End Matter includes Resources, a select bibliography of additional works that are pertinent to the theme is provided. Each essay in Critical Insights: The Supernatural includes a list of Works Cited and detailed endnotes. Also included in this volume is a Bibliography, biographies of the Editor and Contributors, and an alphabetical Index.
The Critical Insights series distills the best of both classic and current literary criticism of the world’s most studied literature. Edited and written by some of academia’s most distinguished literary scholars, Critical Insights: The Supernatural provides authoritative, in-depth scholarship that students and researchers will rely on for years. This volume is destined to become a valuable purchase for all.
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