b'Careers CAREERS: EDUCATION, SPORTS & FITNESS 99EDUCATIONCareers in Archaeology & Museum Services Many children dream of becoming great explorers, discovering ancient artefacts and lost civilizations.Few will become a real-life Indiana Jones, but there is no shortage of interesting career paths in the fields of archaeology and museum services, and related areas, to which these inquisitive minds can aspire. AnthropologistArchaeologistArchivist CuratorGeoscientistHistorianCareers in Archaeology & Museum Services provides detailed and need-to-know information on variousBEST SELLER! CAREERS: EDUCATION, SPORTS & FITNESScareers in the fields of archaeology, museum service, and adjacent occupations. Each chapter provides a wealth of real-world information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, and Conversations with Real Professionals, as well as contacts for more information.March 2023 | One Volume; 370 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-414-2 | Library Price: $125See Also: Principles of Archaeology, pg. 107Careers Working with Infants & Children FREE Online AccessTop 75 Community College Resources CHOICE, December 2020 FREEOverall, this accessible, information book is useful for anyone who enjoys working with children but is unsure of the many career paths available.Recommended. CHOICECareers Working with Infants & Children provides detailed and need-to-know information on various careers available to individuals who are passionate about working with children, whether in direct care positions, as an advocate, or as an educator. This volume explores a number of fields including Pediatric Medicine, Day Care & Pre-School Education, Elementary & Middle Schools, Fitness & Sports, Law, Arts & Media and so much more. Each chapter provides a wealth of real-world information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, Networking Contacts,FREE Areas with the Highest Employment Levels, and Conversations with Real Professionals. Online AccessFREEApril 2020 | One Volume; 444 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-393-9 | Library Price: $125 BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!Careers in Education & TrainingOne of the most helpful tables is the table about the highest employment level and annual wage because not many print or online resources provide such information. This book is recommended for high school, public, and college libraries.ARBA The job outlook for teachers ranges from good to excellent, with the highest growth areas in special education, EnglishCAREERSas a Second Language, science, and math. This volume provides need-to-know information on the various careers that students can choose, including Athletic Director, College Faculty, Elementary School Teacher, Librarian & Media Specialist, Speech-Language Pathologist, and more. Readers will find real-world information including A Day in the Life, details on Work Environment and Earnings, an Employment Outlook, Networking Contacts, Conversations with Real Professionals, and more.FREE December 2016 | One Volume; 333 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-150-9 | Library Price: $125 Online AccessSPORTS & FITNESS FREECareers in Sports Medicine & Training BEST SELLER!Job-seekers with sports medicine and training in mind have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of individuals: amateur and professional athletes; individuals who are living a healthy lifestyle; and those who are recovering from accidents, injuries, or surgeries. This volume provides need-to-know information on various careers, including: Dietitian, Kinesiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Orthopedic Surgeon, Personal Trainer, and Physical Therapist. In these pages, those interested in a career in sports medicine and training will uncover a great deal of need-to-know data on a FREE Online Accesswide variety of in-demand jobs. Chapters cover Employment Outlook, Education & Training, A Day inFREE the Life, Conversations with Real Professionals, and so much more.October 2018 | One Volume; 344 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-923-9 | Library Price: $125Careers in Sports & FitnessJobs in the sports industry are growing at a pace more than double that of the national average. Students with an interest in the sports field have a wide variety of options in professional sports, sports equipment, and the sports management industries, including: Athletic Trainer, Branding Expert, Facility Manager, Sports Agent, Professional Athlete, Promoter, Referee, and Talent Scout. This is the information that students and researchers need whenthey are considering a career in sports and fitness, including Conversations with Real Professionals, Education& Training, Earnings & Advancement, and Areas with the Highest Employment Levels. FREE May 2017 | One Volume; 307 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-322-0 | Library Price: $125 Online AccessFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 99 2024-12-12 12:28PM'