b'CareersCAREERS: THE OUTDOORS, TRADES & SERVICES 95THE OUTDOORSCareers in Travel & Adventure NEW! Spring 2025With the world open for business after years of protective lockdowns, there has never PRINTED IN Careers in been a better time to travel and experience new adventures. This desire to explore fuels FULL COLOR Travel & Adventure a lucrative network of travel agencies and websites, airlines, tour companies, and resortNEW! Fall 2025 BEST SELLER! CAREERS: THE OUTDOORS, TRADES & SERVICESoperators, among many other players in this nearly $8 trillion global industry. Careers in Travel & Adventure provides detailed and need-to-know information on wide-ranging careers in the exciting and profitable travel and tourism industry. Each chapter provides a wealth of real-world information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, and Conversations with Real Professionals, as well as contacts for more information. This ongoing series serves as a stepping stone in understanding specific careers and provides a wealth of information on the education and training needed within each profession along with a look towards the future of the field with an informative employment outlook.FREE March 2025 | One Volume; 400 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-197-8 | Library Price: $125 NEW!Online AccessFREECareers Outdoors The major appeal of this single volume is the diversity of careers covered. this is a solid choice. BooklistStudents looking to pursue a career that takes them out of the office and puts them directly into nature can look to several careers that build on an interest in the natural sciences, ecology, the environment, historical preservation, archeology, and agriculture. Careers Outdoors outlines 24 different career paths, including:Landscape ArchitectLand SurveyorArchaeologist Forest RangerFarmer & RancherCarpenterDesigned for those who dont want to sit behind a desk, this resource profiles a number of in-demand professions,and gives readers the information they need to chart their career path outdoors.March 2018 | One Volume; 391 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-668-9 | Library Price: $125 TRADES & SERVICES FREE Careers in Culinary Arts Online AccessFREEFood is necessary to sustain life, but in the right hands, a meal can turn into a work of art. The field of culinary arts is so-named because the attention to detail and the level of skill involved in creating masterful dishesboth in taste and appearanceis unparalleled. Artisans are rarely alone in their endeavors, however, and rely on a team in order to prepare and serve their creations, as well as run their businesses. There are many areas of employment forCAREERSthose wishing to enter into the world of culinary arts, from chef to serverall of whom play a vital role in ensuring aCareers in satisfying experience for guests. Some occupations profiled in this volume include:Culinary ArtsBartendersChefs and Head CooksCooksWaiters and Waitresses Food and Beverage Serving and Related WorkersFood Preparation WorkersCareers in Culinary Arts provides detailed and need-to-know information on various careers in this specialized corner of the hospitality industry. Each chapter provides a wealth of real-world information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, and Conversations with Real Professionals, as well as contacts for more information. PRINTED INAugust 2025 | One Volume; 400 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-199-2 | Library Price: $125 FULL COLOR FREE See Also: Principles of Food Science, pg. 108 NEW!Online AccessFREECareers in Heavy Equipment NEW!Operation, Maintenance & Repair PRINTED INFULL COLORWith the size and scale of infrastructure projects on the rise, heavy equipment and the skilled individuals who operate them are growing in demand. The individuals responsible for maintenance and repair of these pieces of equipment are highly valued within the industry.This volume helps readers explore a wide variety of industry segments, including:Aircraft & Avionics Mechanics & TechniciansAutomotive Body & Glass Repairers Automotive Service Technicians & MechanicsConstruction Equipment Operators Diesel Service Technicians & MechanicsHeavy Vehicle & Mobile Equipment Service TechniciansCareers in Heavy Equipment Operation, Maintenance & Repair provides need-to-know information on careers in construction, infrastructure, mining, and oil and gas. Each chapter provides a wealth of real-world information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment FREE Outlook, and Conversations with Real Professionals, as well as contacts for more information. NEW!Online AccessSeptember 2024 | One Volume; 332 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-800-3 | Library Price: $125 FREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 95 2024-12-12 12:28PM'