b'94 CAREERS: THE ENVIRONMENT CareersTHE ENVIRONMENTCareers in Earth SciencesNEW! Spring 2025The world is a complex and fascinating place, with a rich history and uncertain future. If you have an interest Careers inin peeling back the Earths layers and applying your skills to understanding how it all works, a career in Earth Earth Sciencessciences could be for you. Also known as geoscience, Earth science is a scientific branch dealing specifically with the planet Earth. Since the field encompasses so many areas of the natural sciences, there are no shortage of career options in this diverse and compelling field, from finding mineral and energy resources to how human activity is affecting the environment. Careers in Earth Sciences provides detailed and need-to-know information on various careers in the highly specialized world of studying the Earth and its many facets. Each chapter provides a wealth of real-world information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, and Conversations with Real Professionals, as well as contacts for more information. This ongoing series serves as a stepping stone in understanding specific careers and provides a wealth of information on the education and training needed within each profession along with a look towards the future of the field with an informative employment outlook. PRINTED IN FREE Online Access NEW!January 2025 | One Volume; 400 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-195-4FULL COLORCAREERS: THE ENVIRONMENTFREE Library Price: $125Careers in Fish & Wildlife RECENTNature is all around us. Now, more than ever, with interest in environmentalism and conservationism at an all-time high, individuals considering careers involving fish and wildlife have many options to choose from. These can range from being a park ranger to an environmental scientist working in a lab, meticulously figuring out how to conserve animal resources for future generations. Some occupations in the area of fish and wildlife include:Agricultural & Food Scientist Biological Technician Conservation ScientistForester Geographer VeterinarianWildlife Biologist Wildlife Photographer ZoologistCareers in Fish & Wildlife provides detailed and need-to-know information on various careers in dealing with fish and wildlife in both natural habitats and captivity. Each chapter provides a wealth of real-world information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, and Conversations with Real Professionals, as well as contacts for more information. FREESeptember 2023 | One Volume; 384 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-416-6 | Library Price: $125Online AccessFREE RECENT Careers Working with Animals BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! Options for those interested in working with animals range from positions with no formal requirementsdog CAREERSwalkers, pet sitters, and pet groomersto veterinarians and zoologists with advanced degrees. The veterinaryfield offers a wide range of opportunities, from veterinary assistant or technician, to veterinarians with years of training. Animal specialists include trainers responsible for preparing animals for stage and film, and animals that provide special care to the disabled. Animal shelters and animal rescue organizations are other ways to work with animals. Each chapter provides a wealth of real-world information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment,FREEEducation & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, Networking Contacts, and Conversations Online Access with Real Professionals.FREEMarch 2021 | One Volume; 308 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-772-2 | Library Price: $125BEST SELLER! Careers in Environment & ConservationDesigned for high school and college audiences. Recommended.CHOICE Many companies and government organizations have adopted sustainability strategies, allowing for growthin environmental and conservation-related positions. From Environmental Science Technicians to Water Treatment Plant Operators, Careers in Environment & Conservation highlights twenty-five branches and divisions withinFREEthis industry. This volume highlights 25 careers in environment and conservation, including Botanist, Energy Online AccessFREE Conservation Technician, Environmental Engineer, Forestry Worker, Geologist, Soil Scientist, Zoologist, and more.December 2014 | One Volume; 345 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-535-7 | Library Price: $125See Also: Principles of Environmental Engineering, pg. 106 | Principles of Forestry & Conservation, pg. 106Careers in Green EnergyAs positions in green energy continue to emerge in manufacturing, research and development, building and construction, agriculture, sales, and service, this volume provides need-to-know information on many careerpaths including Solar Energy Systems Engineer, Solar Panel Installer, Wind Energy Engineer, Architect, Urban Planner and Compliance Officer. Readers are presented with a wealth of real-worldinformation, including A FREEDay in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, Online AccessFREE Networking Contacts, Areas with the Highest Employment Levels, and Conversations with Real Professionals.August 2018 | One Volume; 361 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-922-2 | Library Price: $125GET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 94 2024-12-12 12:28PM'