b'Careers CAREERS: LAW & SECURITY 93LAW & SECURITYCareers in Criminal Justice NEW! Fall 2025With near-constant advances in technology and greater social connectivity thanPRINTED IN Careers in ever before, criminals are keeping pace and using any means available to carryFULL COLOR Criminal Justice out their crimes. How is the criminal justice system handling crimes committedboth on and offline, and who are these dedicated professionals fighting the good fight? The government and private agencies work together, from law enforcement agencies who apprehend criminals, to the court system that tries them, and the corrections system that houses them once they are convicted. Among those organizations, there are countless unique occupations, all of which work in tandem to achieve the same goal: deliver justice. Some of the occupations covered in this volume include: Correctional Officers and Bailiffs Emergency Management Directors Judges and Hearing Officers LawyersFREEParalegals and Legal Assistants Police and Detectives NEW!Online Access Private Detectives and InvestigatorsSecurity Guards and Gambling Surveillance Officers NEW! FREE CAREERS: LAW & SECURITYCareers in Criminal Justice provides detailed and need-to-know information on various careers in this field, which is so vital to maintaining law and order in society. Each chapter provides a wealth of real-world information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, and Conversations with Real Professionals, as well as contacts for more information. September 2025 | One Volume; 400 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-201-2 | Library Price: $125Careers in Intelligence& National Security It has often been said that knowledge is power. This holds no greater truth than in the world of intelligence and national security, where the acquisition of reliable information is paramount, and can mean the difference between life and death for scores of everyday Americans. Some careers in intelligence and national security can be difficult FREE to attain, such as high-ranking intelligence officers or field agents, but adjacent fields such as computer science,NEW!Online AccessFREElinguistics, and business analytics can provide entry points into the wider intelligence network. Careers in Intelligence & National Security provides detailed and need-to-know information on various careers in theBEST SELLER! CAREERSsecretive intelligence sphere. Each chapter provides a wealth of real-world information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, and Conversations with Real Professionals, as well as contacts for more information.January 2024 | One Volume; 379 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-796-9 | Library Price: $125Careers in Protective ServicesPeople who work in protective services may work with children, the elderly, disabled individuals, or animals. They may find work as part of security teams in the community or on school campuses; law enforcement and the judicial system; and health and human services organizations. Careers in Protective Services provides detailed and need-to-know information on various careers in the field, including Victim Advocate, Campus Security, Social Worker, FREE Online AccessAnimal Control, Foster Care, Elder Care, Immigration Officer, among others. Each chapter provides a wealth of real- FREEword information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, Networking Contacts, Areas with the Highest Employment Levels, and Conversations with Real Professionals.May 2019 | One Volume; 431 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-052-5 | Library Price: $125Careers in Forensic Science Forensic science is the application of science to the legal field, including criminal and civil laws, during criminal investigation. Forensic scientistsalso called criminalistsperform chemical and physical research on evidence submitted by law enforcement agencies, including handwriting analysis to confirm the validity of a signature on a will, or examining a firearm, and the growth of technology has expanded the field. These professionals also provide testimony in courts of law. Each chapter provides a wealth of real-world information including A Day in the Life, Work Environment, Education & Training, Earnings & Advancement, Employment Outlook, Networking Contacts, FREE and Conversations with Real Professionals. Online AccessFREEAugust 2021 | One Volume; 409 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-027-4 | Library Price: $125GET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 93 2024-12-12 12:28PM'