b'An excellent starting point for those beginning Literature NOTABLE WRITERS9literary research. Highly recommended.Library JournalNotable Horror NEW!Fiction Writers LITERATUREFears of all kinds have been the topic of horror fictionthe unknown, death, evil, monsters, and ghostshave thrilled readers for hundreds of years. Writers such as Edgar Allan Poe focused on such fears and helped inaugurate the horror genre. But fear literature had existed well before Poe in the work of various Gothic authors, including Mary Shelley. Vampires, mummies, werewolves, zombies, and psychologically warped humans became popular subjects for short and long fiction.Notable Horror Fiction Writers fills a need for an authoritative overview of horror writing. It explores the lives of relevant writers, the reception of relevant texts, and the history of the tradition as it has unfolded since the 17th century. Focusing on the existential as well as theNOTABLE WRITERSpsychological, these volumes highlight and discuss the literary qualities of horror literature and discusses their social, historical, and cultural contexts.Featured writers include Clive Barker, Ambrose Bierce, William Peter Blatty, Ray Bradbury, Lord Dunsanay, Neil Gaiman, Elizabeth Gaskell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Thomas Harris, Shirley Jackson, M. R. James, Jack Ketchum, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Victor LaValle, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert McCamman, Richard Matheson, Joyce Carol Oates, Edgar Allan Poe, Anne Rice, Saki, Mary Shelley, R. L. Stine, Bram Stoker, Peter Straub, H. G. Wells, and many others.Each essay identifies relevant genres and biographical data. The set also includes many resources to aid in researching horror fiction and its creators, and photographs throughout both volumes enliven the text. Designed to introduce readers at the high school and FREE university level to the rich world of horror literature, this set gives students access tocareful research and resources so they can further explore this substantial literary tradition. NEW!Online AccessFREESeptember 2024 | Two Volumes; 987 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-742-6 | Library Price: $225 PRINTED INFULL COLORNotable Writers RECENT of LGBTQ+ LiteratureBooklist Top 10 Reference Title for 2024 ALA Dartmouth Medal, Honorable Mention for Outstanding Reference Title 2023 Adults and teens will benefit from this clear-eyed, substantial reference. ARBADesigned to introduce readers at the high school and university levels to the rich world of LGBTQ+ literature, this set gives students access to careful research and resources they can explore.It deals with the challenges (both literary and personal) writers of LGBTQ+ literature have faced, as well as the ways those challenges have gradually diminished over time. Articles emphasize the literary qualities of LGBTQ+ literature while also exploring its social, historical, and cultural contexts.The tradition of LGBTQ+ writing goes back almost to the beginning of literature itself. Readers, for instance, have long seen signs of it in the Epic of Gilgamesh and in Homers Iliad. Readers and playgoers have seen in Shakespeares poems and plays evidence of numerous LGBTQ+ characters and topics. In the last hundred years, LGBTQ+ literature has been written by thousands and read by millions.Notable Writers of LGBTQ+ Literature is a collection with broad appeal. It helps readers explore the earliest roots and later branches of this tradition; discover the challenges writers have long faced but continue to overcome; learn how LGBTQ+ writers have affected, and been affected by, more conventional literary canons; and follow how reviewers and scholars have responded to writers and writings.FREE Featured writers include Homer, Sappho, Virgil, William Shakespeare, Aphra Behn, JohnOnline AccessRECENTCleland, Lord Byron, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Oscar Wilde, A.E. Housman, C.P.FREE PRINTED INCavafy, Willa Cather, E.M. Forster, Virginia Woolf, Christopher Isherwood, Mary Renault, FULL COLORW.H. Auden, Tennessee Williams, Gore Vidal, James Baldwin, Yukio Mishima, EdwardAlbee, Katherine Philips, Adrienne Rich, Audre Lorde, Tony Kushner, and many more. See Also: Critical Insights: LGBTQ Literature, pg. 47Each essay identifies relevant genres and biographical data. The set also includes a Defining Documents: LGBTQ+, pg. 63 Chronological List of Authors; a Genre Index; a Personages Index; a Title Index; a SubjectGreat Events from History: LGBTQ Events, pg. 79 Index; and dozens of photographs. Great Lives from History: LGBTQ+, pg. 80November 2023 | Two Volumes; 987 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-719-8 | Library Price: $225GET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 9 2024-12-12 12:24PM'