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Essays are divided under four broad headings: Overviews survey the history and significance of the Bill of Rights within the broader contexts of the principles of constitutional law; Amendments provide individual coverage of each of the first ten amendments; Issues cover topics such as censorship, civil rights, and due process; and Court Cases offer nearly 300 articles on the individual court cases through which the rights in the Bill of Rights have been defined and extended. It is through these cases that the Supreme Court has provided authoritativeFREEinterpretations of the Bill of Rights, thereby establishing doctrines and principles of Online Access constitutional law.FREEOctober 2017 | Two Volumes; 719 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-593-4 | Library Price: $175Second Edition The U.S. Supreme CourtThe U.S. Supreme Court Written clearly and for a general audience, this set is appropriate for libraries in HISTORYneed of a general resource on the Supreme Court. BooklistSecond Edition. The U.S. Supreme Court is a comprehensive survey of the history and functions of the Supreme Court. Although it has only nine unelected members, it alone can overturn the actions of every other branch of government, at all levels. There is no other institution quite like the Supreme Courtin the United States or anywhere else in the world. This comprehensive set provides accessible information on all the Supreme Court Justices, articles on key constitutional issues and hundreds of landmark cases. In addition, The U.S. Supreme Court contains essays on types of law, THE BILL OF RIGHTS & U.S. COURTSsuch as administrative law, bankruptcy law, and state constitutions, individual pieces of legislation, Volume clauses and amendments to the U.S. Constitution, specific historical events and eras, along with an 1 explanation of the procedures and mechanics of how the Supreme Court works. This second edition 3-VOLUME SET VOLUME 1 The U.S. provides fresh analysis of the cases and decision that affect gun rights, campaign finance, same-sex 978-1-68217-180-6 978-1-68217-182-0Two University Plaza, Suite 310 S Supreme Court marriage, class-action lawsuits, and the future of unions, to name just a few. Easy-to-understand Hackensack NJ 07601 ParleeSmS Edited by Thomas Tandy Lewis entries provide students and researchers with a broad understanding of the power of the Supreme Phone: 201-968-0500FREECourt and how it functions, alongside an in-depth analysis of the cases and decisions that have Fax: 201-968-0511Volume 1Online AccessFREE shaped American life.November 2016 | Three Volumes; 1,037 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-180-6 | Library Price: $295 The Criminal Justice SystemA valuable one-stop reference work for a quick understanding of some of the most important issues in the U.S. criminal justice system. ARBASecond Edition. These volumes cover the most important aspects of criminal justice in the United States. It details the commission and frequency of crimes through the investigation, apprehension, prosecution, and punishment of wrongdoers. The core issues of criminal justice are approached through a variety of perspectives: Crimes include nearly 40 core articles on specific categories of crimeranging from animal abuse and arson to vandalism and white-collar crime; Codes discuss the framework of American law and significant individual pieces of legislation; Constitutions explore the content of the nations foundation documents, their interpretation, and their impact on modern criminal justice; Cops explore municipal, state, and federal law-enforcement agencies, as well as their investigative work, and arrests; Courts covers the federal and state court system, attorneys, judges and officers of the courts, and trial procedures; and Corrections explore sentencing, capital punishment, prison systems, prison conditions, and parole and pardons. Designed for high school and undergraduate researchers,FREEas well as public library patrons, this clear and authoritative source is an engaging resource for Online Access this high-interest subject area.FREEApril 2017 | Three Volumes; 1,107 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-310-7 | Library Price: $295eBooks are also available - visit www.salempress.com for more informationGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 86 2024-12-12 12:27PM'