b'History GREAT LIVES FROM HISTORY 81Great Lives from History: NEW! Spring 2025BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!Inventors & Inventions PRINTED IN Second Edition Second Edition FULL COLOR Great Lives from History This set includes many useful tools for researchers and would be suitable forInventors & Inventions the student as well as for the layperson Recommended for public and high school libraries.BooklistGreat Lives from History: Inventors & Inventions features 450 essays covering inventors throughout history, around the world. All essays have been reviewed and enhanced where applicable, and new inventors added, for this overhauled second edition. The editors have included inventors recognized for shaping modern technology and the way we live today. The editors criteria for including these individuals in this publication took into account their fame as inventors, the significance of their inventions, the amount of time they spent inventing, their representation of world inventors, their relevance to class curricula, and their interest to high school, undergraduate, and general readers.Each 3-4 page essay begins with biographical information and the individuals historical importance in relation to his or her inventions. The body of each essay is then divided into three sections: Early Life provides facts about the individuals upbringing; Lifes Work, is a chronological account of the inventors most significant achievements; and Impact providesan overview of the individuals place in history, particularly as his or her inventions changed the way we live.FREE Additional features include a Pronunciation Key, List of Inventions, Essay on Patent Law,NEW!Online AccessChronological List of Entries, Timeline of Inventions, Biographical Directory of Inventors, plusFREE HISTORYseveral indexes.February 2025 | Four Volumes; 1,400 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-168-8 | Library Price: $495Great Lives from History:Scientists & Science GREAT LIVES FROM HISTORYSecond EditionThis is a very readable source for information on a wide variety of scientists and the science they studied. Ancient mathematicians are found alongside fossil hunters. High-school libraries and public libraries serving students will make good use of this set.BooklistThis second edition of Great Lives from History: Scientists & Science highlights over 350 of the greatest scientists in history, from Aristotle and the field of formal logic to Shinya Yamanaka and stem cell research. Last published in 2012, this new edition adds 10 years of scientific achievement, to profile individuals who made life-changing discoveries in nearly 90 categories, including acoustics, anatomy, astrophysics, bacteriology, biochemistry, climatology, conservation biology, genetics, information theory, logic, nuclear physics, oceanography, oncology, quantum mechanics, relativity, thermodynamics, and virology. With all entries reviewed, many updated, and the addition of many new scientists, this three-volume set profiles individuals at the forefront of recent scientific discoveries in evolutionary biology, quantum theory and quantum chemistry, HIV and cancer treatments, immunology, MRI technology, neurodegeneration, and more.Scientists whose profiles have been added to his new edition include: Akira Yoshino (electrochemistry) Gladys West (mathematical data models) Jennifer Doudna (gene editing) Anthony Fauci (immunology-HIV) Donna Strickland (optical physics) Tu Youyou (medicinal chemistry)FREEWarren M. Washington (atmospheric science) Mildred S. Dresselhaus (electrical engineering) Online Access Andrew H. Knoll (paleontology) Ahmed Zewail (femtochemistry) FREEEach entry starts with important identifierslike birth and death dates, keywords and significanceand includes valuable subheadings, Further Reading, and See Also.A List of Discoveries and detailed Category Index lead the researcher to explore growth in specific scientific areas, through the profiles of the scientists who made these groundbreaking discoveries and inroads in each field. Photos, charts, and other images punctuate the volumes.November 2022 | Three Volumes; 1,407 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-367-1 | Library Price: $395 GET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 81 2024-12-12 12:27PM'