b'History GREAT EVENTS FROM HISTORY 79Great Events from History: Human Rights f G rormeat E Hivsentorts y SECOND EDITIONVIEW THIS BOOK Human Rights Great Events from HistoryONLINEFor comprehensive human rights coverage that is international in scope and that contains discussions rather https://online.salempress.comthan definitions, this is the set to buy. Recommended for public, school, and academic libraries.Library Journal Human RightsSecond Edition. Great Events from History: Human Rights documents the progression, regression, and overall history of human rights through pivotal events. Here is a sampling of just some of the milestones chronicled in this thought-provoking set: the First Geneva Convention is signed; the U.S. Supreme Court finds school segregationEESDCITOINONDto be unconstitutional; the Immigration Act of 1990 is passed; the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act is passed; the first same-sex marriage is performed in Massachusetts; and Trump-era Immigration policyVOLUMEIseparates immigrant families at the border. Essays not only describe and contextualize significant events in the 4-VOLUME SET VOLUME 1978-1-64265-292-5 978-1-64265-409-7history of human rights, but also discuss their current and future impact. Great Events from History is designed4919A8-789-8700O Box 56 S PARLEESMSFREEmPhone: 51 Roeuntiea2N2Y,P1|2 850001-562-2139not just for the history student but for the curious and informed global citizen. 3-6360 Online Accessw Fax: 845-3b7oookkss@@sgareleymhopuresess.c.coommwwwwwsgarleeymhporuessesccoommboFREEAugust 2019 | Four Volumes; 1,857 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-291-8 | Library Price: $395Great Events from History: Modern ScandalsIn a wiki world, these well-researched, well-written entries provide solid, academic information and a good starting point for researchers. The work is also fascinating and engrossinga real page turner.Highly recommended.CHOICESecond Edition. Great Events from History: Modern Scandals provides the reader with an in-depth examination of some of the most noteworthy scandals worldwide since the beginning of the 20th century. This second edition documents hundreds of scandals, including Russian election interference, Watergate, the #MeToo movement, Edward Snowden and the PRISM leak, Iran-Contra, the Pentagon Papers, Bernie Madoffs Ponzi scheme, Bridgegate, the Volkswagen emission scandal, and the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal.Each essay provides a summary of theHISTORYevent as well as discusses the events significance and historical impact on our nation. Entries are supplemented with FREE Online Accesssources for further reading, quotations from primary source documents, timelines, illustrations, and photographs.FREEDecember 2018 | Three Volumes; 1,322 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-704-4 | Library Price: $295 See Also:Defining Documents: Secrets, Leaks & Scandals, pg. 62Great Events from History: LGBTQ Events BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!Four Stars. Summing Up: Essential.All public and undergraduate libraries.CHOICE GREAT EVENTS FROM HISTORYThis is a user friendly, highly readable reference work that is recommended for publicand academic libraries.ARBAAward Winner! CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, 2018Second Edition. These volumes chronicle important historical events that have identified, defined, and legallyestablished the rights of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities. In the last ten years alone, the world has witnessed significant events that have broken down barriers, both socially and legally, making enormous strides to end discrimination against the LGBTQ community. Just some of these events include: Dont Ask, Dont Tell is repealed (2011); Barack Obama becomes the first sitting U.S. president to publicly support the freedom for LGBT couples to marry (2012); the U.S. Supreme Court rules that legally married same-sex couples are entitled to federal benefits (2013); the Supreme Court rules that states cannot ban same-sex marriage (2015); and the Pentagon FREE lifts the ban on transgender people serving openly in the U.S. military (2016). In-depth, yet accessible essays provideOnline AccessFREEa summary of the event and discuss the events significance and historical impact. This set is designed to help students and researchers better understand the struggle for LGBTQ rights throughout history. See Also:Great Lives: LGBTQ+, pg. 80December 2017 | Two Volumes; 783 Pages | ISBN: 978-1-68217-591-0 | Library Price: $175Great Events from History: African American HistoryThe fact that these entries are arranged chronologically underscores the assembly of disparate topics that makes for almost addictive reading. Recommended. CHOICEThis resource provides comprehensive coverage of the many events that define the framework of African American history, including social, cultural, and political movements, and the struggles to gain freedom, equality, and civil rights. African American History emphasizes key events in the study of slavery, the abolitionist movement, civil rights, discrimination, voting rights, and Supreme Court decisions. Other events focus on arts and entertainment, Black nationalism, crime and punishment, economic issues, education, military history, politics and government, religion, riots and civil disturbances, and womens issues. Many essays also include sidebars of primary source documents, court decisions, mission statements, laws, biographical profiles, or state statistics that will deepen a readers understanding of FREE each topic. Designed for high school, undergraduate and public libraries, this resource provides students and researchersOnline Accesswith comprehensive and accessible material designed to shed new light on the study of African American history. FREESee Also:Defining Documents: February 2017 | Three Volumes; 770 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-152-3 | Library Price: $295 The Underground Railroad, pg. 59GET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 79 2024-12-12 12:27PM'