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CHOICEThese volumes offer in-depth analysis of the scientific discoveries, codification of laws, development of religious doctrine, civil war, and colonization in the 17th Century.Chapters are organized by: Europe: Science, Religion and Law; England: Civil War and Revolution; Christianity and Society in the East; The Muslim World: Trade and Toleration; European Colonies in the Americas: The English Mid-Atlantic; European Colonies in the Americas: New England, and European Colonies in the Americas: Other Colonies.Articles introduce readers to the historical context of the FREE document, discuss the authors life and the circumstances in which the document was written, and provide an in-depthOnline Accessexamination of its historical significance.FREEJune 2017 | Two Volumes; 451 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-301-5 | Library Price: $295Defining Documents in World History:Renaissance & Early Modern Era(1308-1600)Recommended.High school through undergraduate students; general readers. 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