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Chapters include the primary source document, often reproduced in its entirety, a Summary Overview, the Defining Moment,FREEAuthor Biography, Document Analysis, and Essential Themes.Online AccessFREE November 2018 | One Volume; 356 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-927-7 | Library Price: $175Defining Documents in World History:The Middle EastThe layout of each chapter (one per document) aptly outlines good historical analysis. An excellent resource for high-school history courses.BooklistThe Middle East is the site of the first great civilizations in history. This two-volume set spans the history of the region and includes a variety of documents from several eras.Documents are organized into the following chronological segments: Early, Medieval, and Early Modern History; Ottoman Endurance & Collapse; Twentieth-Century Troubles; and Recent Realities.Chapters include the primary source document, often reproduced in its entirety, a Summary Overview, Defining Moment, Author Biography, Document Analysis, and Essential Themes. FREEMay 2018 | Two Volumes; 457 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-702-0 | Library Price: $295Online AccessFREEDefining Documents in World History:The 20th Century(1900-1950)HISTORYVIEW THIS BOOK The 20t DEFINING DEFINING A solid reference to consult at the beginning of a research project and would be a valuable supplement to ONLINE h Century DOCUMENTS IN WORLD DOCUMENTShttps://online.salempress.comHISTORY material presented in a survey course. ARBAThe 20th900195 (1 ) 0IN WORLDCentury This set offers in-depth analysis of a broad range of historical documents, including legal codes, letters, speeches, HISTORY(19001950) constitutions, reports, and books, from Essential Truths by Rufus Jones to the NATO Treaty. Readers will find thought-provoking analyses of documents that include: the Panama Canal Zone Treaty; the Balfour Declaration; the Treaty of Versailles; Stalins First Five-Year Plan; Robert Pearys Secrets of Polar Travel; The Yosemite by John Muir; W.E.B. Du 1 Bois The Souls of Black Folk; and Winston Churchills The Lights Are Going Out in Europe. The 80 documents are PRIMARY SOURCES IN WORLD HISTORY978-1-68217-924-6 978-1-68217-925-3 organized into major categories that include: Conflicts and Wars; Class and Society; and Exploration and Invention. 2-VOLUME SET VOLUME 14919 Route 22,P1O25 B0o1x 56 SALEM Each document chapter includes the primary source document, often reproduced in its entirety, and the following Phone: 51A8m-7e8n9i-a8 7N0Y0 | 800-562-2139 PRESSFREE Fax: 845-373-6360wwwwww.g.sraelyehmopursees.cs.ocmom |b| ocsork@s@saglreemyphres.c Online Access sections: Summary Overview, Defining Moment, Author Biography, Document Analysis, and Essential Themes.ouse.coommFREE October 2018 | Two Volumes; 533 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-924-6 | Library Price: $295Defining Documents in World History:The 19th Century(1801-1900)This two-volume set offers in-depth analysis of a broad range of historical documents that impacted the worldthroughout the nineteenth century, from the Napoleonic Code to Darwins Descent of Man. Some examples of the documents discussed include the Treaty of Paris, The Communist Manifesto, the Convention of Kanagawa, Chinas Hundred Days Reform, the Louisiana Purchase Treaty, and the Lyons-Seward Treaty that suppressed the slavetrade between the United States and Great Britain. Each document chapter includes the primary source document, often reproduced in its entirety, Summary Overview, Defining Moment, Author Biography, Document Analysis,and Essential Themes. FREE Online Access April 2018 | Two Volumes; 524 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-696-2 | Library Price: $295FREEDefining Documents in World History:The 18th Century(1701-1800)Along with the other books in this series, this is an excellent undergraduate resource. ARBAThis volume highlights important historical documentsspeeches, letters, manifestos and morefrom influential figures during this pivotal century. 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