b'72 PRIMARY SOURCES IN WORLD HISTORY HistoryDefining Documents in World History: NEW! Religious Freedom & Religious PersecutionReligion is sacred to millions of peopleit has led people towards hope, healing, and salvation from the earliest days of recorded history. Religious freedom, however, has been a hard-fought battle, and one that is still being fought in some corners of the world. Persecution of groups of people, based on their religious beliefs, has caused millions of deaths, and this nefarious practice continues to this day in some regions. Organized by region of the world, these volumes offer in-depth analysis of eighty-three documents, including addresses, book excerpts, chronicles, constitutions, declarations, edicts, laws, letters, narratives, petitions, religious texts, reports, speeches, testimonies, treaties, and treatises. These selections trace the evolution of both religious freedoms and persecutions around the globe, from religious revolts and struggles for independence in the ancient world, to the Holocaust during World War II, to current genocides and American legal battles surrounding the First Amendment. Each in-depth chapter provides a thorough commentary andFREEanalysis of each primary source document. Commentary includes a Summary, Overview, Defining Moment, Online Access NEW!Author Biography, Detailed Document Analysis, and discussion of Essential Themes. PRINTED INFREEFebruary 2024 | Two Volumes; 910 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-756-3 | Library Price: $295 FULL COLORDefining Documents in World History:Revolutions RECENTIn the modern era, social media is a major driver of movements large and small, providing a digital podium for grievances to be aired and wrongs to be righted. But how did we get here? Throughout history, there have been many notable revolutions; the greatest of which are often considered to be the English Revolution (1649), American Revolution (1776), French Revolution (1789), Russian Revolution (1917) and Chinese Revolution (1949). These and more helped shape the world as we know it, overthrowing defective governments and empowering citizens to stand up for what they believe in, through both peaceful and violent means. These volumes explore how rebellions turned to revolutions, what led to those confrontations, and their many, HISTORYlong-lasting ramifications. Documents examined include historical reports, speeches, court cases, legislative debates, and more. Each in-depth chapter provides a thorough commentary and analysis of each primary source document, often reprinted in its entirety. Commentary includes a Summary, Overview, Defining Moment, Author Biography, Detailed Document Analysis, and discussion of Essential Themes. FREE Online Access September 2023 | Two Volumes; 834 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-404-3 | Library Price: $295RECENTFREEDefining Documents in World History:Human RightsA terrific set of definitive human rights documents for both general readers and scholars. Library JournalPRIMARY SOURCES IN WORLD HISTORYHuman rights have an honored place in modern history and are based on the idea of human dignity and worth. Today they encompass civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights and freedoms and are understood to apply universally to humankind. The idea of human rights appears in some early religious writings and is reflected in the Magna Carta (1215). Such rights were discussed throughout the Age of Enlightenment and were central to the American Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens, among other documents. After World War II, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights set the modern standard in international law following the horrors of the war. Since then, human rights have come to be widely espoused by liberal Western nations and generally disparaged by authoritarian regimes. These volumes explore the development of human rights in history and their spread around the world in the modern era.Documents examined include charters, constitutions, legislative debates, political speeches, historical accounts, court cases, disputes between nations, and more. FREEFebruary 2023 | Two Volumes; 761 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-396-1 | Library Price: $295Online AccessFREE See Also:Great Events: Human Rights, pg. 79Defining Documents in World History:The Nuclear AgeThis is a high-quality, compelling academic-reference work that presents primary-source material accompanied by outstanding background and analysis.It is recommended for research-oriented public- and academic-library collections. BooklistBefore 1945, the nations of the world could safely assume that any wars fought between them would be damaging but not annihilating. That changed with the deployment of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The nuclear era challenged previous assumptions about war and peace, as political leaders NEW!were forced to ponder how nuclear war could be fought, how it could be prevented, and what the meaning of victory, defense, and survival were. With the Cold War between the Soviets and Western nations growing, one key guiding principle became deterrence through strength, resulting in massive buildups of nuclear arsenals: enough weapons were present to destroy the world a thousand times over. It also brought the promise of nuclear energy, a promise fraught with numerous obstacles regarding safety and security. These volumes explore the development of nuclear technology and its use in military weapons and power generation.FREEDocuments examined include policy statements, international agreements, threat assessments, reports by Online Access watchdog organizations, historical accounts, political speeches, and more.FREE March 2023 | Two Volumes; 652 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-400-5 | Library Price: $295GET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 72 2024-12-12 12:27PM'