b'Defining Documents in 71World HistoryDetailed Analysis of the Most Important Primary Source Documents that Shaped our WorldDefining Documents in World History: NEW! Spring 2025The Rise and Fall of the Soviet UnionDEFINING DOCUMENTSIN WORLD HISTORY The Soviet Unions rise, from its ideological roots in 19th-century socialist thought,The to its dissolution in 1991, concluding with Russia and the other former SovietRise and republics efforts to redefine themselves, is a story of revolution, power, and transformation. This collection of documents provides a comprehensive explorationFall of of the key events, individuals, and ideological shifts that shaped the Soviet Unions rise and eventual collapse. The pre-Soviet intellectual and political movements thatthe Soviet paved the way for the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, included pivotal texts like The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Lenins What Is to Be Done? (1902), which set theUnionfoundation for the Soviet state, which would emerge from the chaos of World War I and the October Revolution. The entries trace the evolution of the U.S.S.R. through major milestones, such as the Russian Civil War, Stalins totalitarian regime, the Great Patriotic War (World War II), and the Cold War, highlighting both the domestic policies and global influence of the Soviet Union. Critical moments like the Cuban Missile Crisis, the space race, and dtente with the West illustrate the superpowers geopolitical significance. The documents also illuminate the internal fractures that led to the Soviet Unions demise, including Gorbachevs reforms of glasnost andHISTORYperestroika, the 1991 coup attempt, and the emergence of nationalist movements within the Soviet republics. The dissolution of the U.S.S.R. on December 31, 1991, marked the birth of 15 independent states, reshaping the political landscape of Eurasia. Special attention is given to the aftermath of the collapse, from Boris Yeltsins efforts to redefine Russias role on the world stage to the diplomatic challenges of securing the former Soviet nuclear arsenal. The rise of Vladimir FREE Putin and Russias resurgence as a global power, including its actions in Ukraine,NEW!Online Accessunderscore the enduring legacy of the Soviet era. This work draws on a diverseFREENEW! PRIMARY SOURCES IN WORLD HISTORYrange of primary and secondary sources, including political speeches, legislative documents, historical analyses, and contemporary news articles, offering readers PRINTED INa nuanced understanding of the Soviet Unions impact on the modern world. FULL COLORFebruary 2025 | Two Volumes; 600 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-372-9 | Library Price: $295Defining Documents in World History:TreasonIn the current politically charged era, the word treason frequently surfaces in vitriolic discourse. However, how many cases of actual treason have there been in world history, who were the perpetrators, and what were their consequences? The list of people convicted of treason against the U.S. is actually void of famous names such as Benedict Arnold and Julius and Ethel Rosenbergwho, while treacherous and treasonous in their own rights, were never legally convicted of that crime. The list does contain names such as Aaron Burr, John Fries (leader of Fries Rebellion), John Brown (perpetrator in the Harpers Ferry raid), and numerous individuals convicted of defecting to Nazi Germany during WWII. In fact, the last conviction for treason in the U.S. was in 1952. This set expands its coverage to look at acts of treason throughout history and aroundthe world. Chapters also look at tyrannical governments attempts to label their enemiesas treasonous.Individuals and events covered include: Canadas Louis Riel; Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI of France; Adolph Hitler; the anti-Nazi White Rose Movement; Milestone Documents the July 20, 1944 attempted assassination of Hitler; Great Britains Thomas Paine; of World Religions Nelson Mandela and the 1956 Treason Trial in South Africa; among many others. Second Edition by Grey House Publishing These volumes explore the history of treasonous acts in the United States and aroundScholarly but jargon-free commentarythe world. Documents examined include charters, constitutions, legislative debates, makes these key documents accessible political speeches, historical accounts, court cases, modern-day articles, and more.to students.School Library JournalJanuary 2017 | Three Volumes; 1,500 Pages March 2024 | Two Volumes; 824 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-760-0 FREE Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-171-4 Library Price: $295 PRINTED IN NEW!Online AccessLibrary Price: $325 FULL COLOR FREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 71 2024-12-12 12:27PM'