b'History71- Defining DocumentsDefining DocumentsNew in American History:Series The AmericanRevolution,1754-1805Edited by Peter Kratzke, Ph.D.AT A gLANcE 2 Volumes; 800 Pages 80 Essays 80 Primary Source Documents 80 Lesson Plans 75 Photos Complete List of Contents General Bibliography Time LineNewList of Web ResourcesNewMaps Subject IndexDECEMBER 2012Defining Documents offers a broad range Print ISBN: 978-1-4298-3705-7eBook E-ISBN: 978-1-4298-3708-8of historical documents on important authors LIST PRIcE: $295 and subjects in American history, with primarysource documents, in-depth analysis, andcomprehensive lesson plans. Available formats:Defining Documents is a new series from Salem Press.Each two-volume title, designedin consultation with an expert in the field, contains approximately 80 primary sourcedocuments with an in-depth critical analysis.Articles begin by introducing readers to thehistorical context, followed by a description of the authors life and circumstances in whichthe document is written. A document analysis, written by professional writers and historians, guides readers in understanding key elements of language, rhetoric, and social and politicalmeaning that define the significance of the author and document in American history.Each title is organized by chapter themes, highlighting major ideas in the period. 70 PRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: ERAS HistoryThe American Revolution (1754-1805) chronicles key documents during the revolutionary BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!era. Included are founding documents, speeches and political tracts, political sermons, Defining Documents in American History:and letters. Also included are Native American and African slave narratives. Manifest Destiny & The New Nation (1803-1860)comingNicely organized. Highly recommended.CHOICEAn important supplement to each historical document is a carefully designed lesson plan, Fall Manifest Destiny and the New Nation offers a broad range of historical documents on important authors and subjects in American history. Topics covered in this volume include: which follows national history standards for learning, to guide students and educators in of 2013Antebellum Law & PoliticsManifest Destiny & The Spirit of Reformdocument analysis and historical comprehension. Study questions, activities, and suggestedAfrican American Protest LiteratureThe New American Identity Religious ExpansionNative American Land & Autonomyauthor pairings will establish the legacy of documents and authorship for readers today.FREEDocuments represent the diversity of ideas and contexts that define social, political, and SEPTEMBER 2013 Online AccessIn addition, comparative analysis highlights how every document emerges from a myriad Print ISBN: FREE cultural subjects throughout American history. 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In addition, comparative analysis highlights how every document emerges from a myriad of social and political influences. HISTORY FREE Online Access December 2012 | Two Volumes; 713 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-4298-3705-7 | Library Price: $2952013 Fall CAT 59on_nc.indd 14 FREE 2/27/13 2:06 PMDefining Documents in American History:Exploration & Colonial America (1492-1755)Exploration and Colonial America provides a close analysis of several types of documents, including: Exploration & Colonial DocumentsImportant Journals of Exploration Reports of New World SettlementsEarly Political Tracts on Self-GoverningPRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: ERAS Narratives on Colonial LifeSlavery & Indentured Servitude NarrativesAn important supplement to each historical document is a carefully designed readers guide, which follows national history standards for learning, to guide students and educators in document analysis and historical comprehension. 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