b'70 Defining Documents - HistoryDefining Documentsin American History:PRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: ERAS History History ExplorationPRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: ERAS 69Defining Documents in American History: & colonialThe 1900s(1900-1909) America,A valuable asset to any collection not only for the documents but also for the presentation. It instructs readers1492-1755in how to analyze a primary documenta valuable tool to any level of research.BooklistThe 1900s offers in-depth analysis of a broad range of historical documents and historic events that shaped the first decade of the twentieth century. Readers will appreciate the diversity of the collected texts, including journal entries from JamesEdited by Daisy Martin, Ph.D.Audubon, pamphlets from political leaders such as Eugene V. Debs and Vladimir Lenin, speeches from activists such as W. E. B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington, laws such as the American Antiquities Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act,AT A gLANcEeditorials, and trial notes. An important feature of each essay is a close reading of the primary source that develops evidence 2 Volumes; 800 Pages FREEof broader themes, such as the authors rhetorical purpose, social or class position, point of view, and other relevant issues. Online Access 80 Essays FREESeptember 2016 | One Volume; 298 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-185-1 | Library Price: $17580 Primary Source Documents 80 Lesson PlansDefining Documents in American History: (1874 -1917) The Emergence of Modern America DEFINING DOCUMENTS IN AMERICAN HISTORY BEST SELLER!75 PhotosThe Emergence of Modern America(1874-1917)Complete List of ContentsIN AMERICAN DOCUMENTS HISTORY DEFININGThe This important resource provides readers with many new ways to explore the emergence of modern America in the years of General Bibliography NewEmergenceTime Lineof Modern 1874 to 1917. The text provides in-depth analysis of nearly fifty primary source documents to deliver a thorough examinationAmerica Mapsof this important time in American history. Documents are arranged into the following sections: The End of the Frontier(1874-1917) List of Web Resourcesand the Start of a New Era; Labor Pains; the Lives of Workers; Capital Concerns; Conflicts Further Afield; Minorities and Subject IndexMistreatments; Women, Suffrage, and Society; Reformers and Remedies; and a Technological Breakthrough. Chapters highlight the documents historical impact and provide thoughtful critical analysis, including a Summary Overview, DefiningS PARLEESMS Defining Documents offers a broad rangeMoment, Author Biography, Document Analysis, and Essential Themes. 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LIST PRIcE: $295 DEFINING source documents, in-depth analysis, andReconstruction Era(1865-1877) IN AMERICAN DOCUMENTS HISTORY Highly recommended for purchase by all public and academic libraries, especially those of the latter thatReconstruction Era comprehensive lesson plans.(1865-1877)support American history or American studies curricula.ARBA Defining Documents is a new series from Salem Press.Each two-volume title,This volume offers in-depth critical analysis of 40 primary source documents, allowing readers to gain new insights into theAvailable formats: designed in consultation with an expert in the field, contains approximately 80 primaryReconstruction era. Documents discuss the following broad themes: Debating Reconstruction; Communities in Need; Acts ofsource documents with an in-depth critical analysis.Articles begin by introducing readersState; Black Codes & White Lives; Extreme Reactions; Reconstruction Moves Ahead; and an Ambiguous Legacy. Articles beginBEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! PRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: ERAS to the historical context, followed by a description of the authors life and circumstances inby introducing readers to the documents historical context, followed by a description of the authors life and circumstances inwhich the document was written. A document analysis, written by professional writers andwhich the document was written. A document analysis guides readers in understanding key elements of language, rhetoric, andS PARLEESMS historians, guides readers in understanding key elements of language, rhetoric, and socialTwo University Pl7a6000FREE Hhaocnkeen: s2a0c1k- 9N6J8 0-05 za1, Suite 310Psocial and political meaning that define the significance of the author and document in American history. Fax: 201-968-0511 Online Access and political meaning that define the significance of the author and document in AmericanJune 2014 | One Volume; 270 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-487-9 | Library Price: $175 FREE history. Each title is organized by chapter themes, highlighting major ideas in the period.Defining Documents in American History: The first title in the series is Exploration and Colonial America. It begins with a collectionof exploration and colonial documents, including important journals of exploration, reportsCivil War(1860-1865) of New World settlements, early political tracts on self-governing. Also included arecomingnarratives on colonial life and slavery and indentured servitude.Edited by famed Civil War historian and Pulitzer Prize winner, James M. McPherson, this set surveys key documents producedFallduring the Civil War with special attention devoted to the war-time policies of President Abraham Lincoln and the 37th U.S.of 2013 An important supplement to each historical document is a carefully designed lesson plan,Congress. A special feature is the inclusion of letters and diaries by soldiers and civilians writing about their experiences. Thesewhich follows national history standards for learning, to guide students and educators indocuments provide a compelling view of the extraordinary difficulties endured in battle and the home front. Documents coverSEPTEMBER 2013 document analysis and historical comprehension. Study questions, activities, and suggestedthe progress of the war beginning with early debates on secession, through wartime events on the political and battle fronts andPrint ISBN: author pairings will establish the legacy of documents and authorship for readers today.concludes with a look toward the issues of race and reconstruction. Designed for high school and college students, the aim of978-1-4298-3746-0 In addition, comparative analysis highlights how every document emerges from a myriadthe series is to advance historical document studies as an important activity in learning about history. eBook E-ISBN: of social and political influences. 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In addition, comparative analysis highlights how every document emerges from a myriad of social and political influences.FREE Online AccessJanuary 2015 | One Volume; 322 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-533-3 | Library Price: $175 FREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 69 2024-12-12 12:27PM'