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Articles begin by introducing readers to the historical context of the document, followed by a description Online AccessFREE of the authors life and circumstances in which the document was written. An historical timeline and bibliography of supplemental readings support readers in understanding broader historical events and subjects. HISTORYApril 2016 | One Volume; 331 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-888-4 | Library Price: $175Defining Documents in American History:The Vietnam War(1956-1975)Recommended. High school, community college, and undergraduate students: general readers. CHOICEThis resource offers a variety of tools to study and analyze vital documents from the Vietnam War, a war thatlasted twenty years and left countless casualties and severe destruction in its wake, sparking international antiwarmovements and controversy about U.S. involvement. Detailed, thought-provoking analysis covers: Kennedys,PRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: ERASJohnsons & Nixons War; the Antiwar Movement; the My Lai Massacre; Bombing Operations in Cambodia; the FREEGulf of Tonkin Resolution, and the Aftermath of the War. Chapters highlight each documents historical impact andOnline Access provide thoughtful critical analysis, including a Summary Overview, Defining Moment, Author Biography,FREE Document Analysis, and Essential Themes.September 2015 | One Volume; 288 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-852-5 | Library Price: $175Defining Documents in American History:The 1950s(1950-1959)As an understanding of our nations past is central to becoming a well-rounded citizen, this volume is stronglyrecommended for purchase by all public and academic libraries. ARBAThis volume provides fresh insights into the 1950s and their lasting effect on American history. Readers will beintroduced to topics about the Korean War and the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, McCarthyism andthe Cold War, and the Beginning of the Space Race. Articles begin by introducing readers to the historical context FREEof the document, followed by a description of the authors life and circumstances in which the document wasOnline AccessFREE written. An historical timeline and bibliography of supplemental readings further support readers in understandingthe broader historical events and subjects in the period. April 2016 | One Volume; 257 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-886-0 | Library Price: $175Defining Documents in American History:The Cold War(1945-1991)Recommended. High school, community college, and lower-level undergraduate students. CHOICEThe Cold War offers in-depth analysis of a broad range of historical documents and historic events. 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