b'64 PRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: THEMES HistoryDefining Documents in American History:Political Campaigns, Candidates & DebatesIt highlights moments that may have marked a turning point. Recommended.CHOICECandidates, issues, and campaign styles have changed dramatically over time, from the front porch approach of 1800s to the social media campaigns of today. Political debates arent limited simply to presidential campaigns, and this work examines how this American institution has shaped the government and its policies on personal, local, state, and national levels. Nearly 80 documents are organized into major categories like Politics and War; Politics and Social Issues; Politics and the Economy; Politics and Education; and Political Debate. The document chapters include the primary source document, often reproducedFREEin its entirety, a Summary Overview, Defining Moment, Author Biography, Document Analysis, and Essential Themes. Online Access May 2018 | Two Volumes; 542 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-700-6 | Library Price: $295FREE See Also: Defining Documents: Conservatism and Liberalism, pg. 58BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! Defining Documents in American History:The Gun DebateThis evenhanded treatment of the debate. provides historical context and a range of modern interpretations of the Second Amendment. Public and high-school libraries will find this resource valuable in supporting history and civics curricula. BooklistFrom the drafting of the Constitution to the present day, there have been intense arguments made both for and againstthe rights of citizens to form a well-regulated militia as set forth in the Second Amendment. The arguments have become more impassioned in recent years due to the rising number of incidents of school and mass shootings. These volumes analyze documents that have played a significant role in the attempt to balance the long tradition of gun culture in this country with calls for gun control, including: the Second Amendment; St. George Tucker, Blackstones Commentaries; U.S. v. Miller; and District ofFREEColumbia v. Heller. Each in-depth chapter provides a thorough commentary and analysis of each primary source document, often Online Access reprinted in its entirety. Commentary includes a Summary, Overview, Defining Moment, Author Biography, Detailed Document FREE Analysis, and discussion of Essential Themes.February 2019 | Two Volumes; 364 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-034-1 | Library Price: $295HISTORYDefining Documents in American History:Capital PunishmentCapital punishment has been the ultimate consequence for criminals in the United States since before the nation was established. The Eighth Amendment in the Bill of Rights prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, and the Fourteenth Amendment in the Reconstruction Amendments requires due process of law before the taking of a life. The original documents in these volumes review both the policies and principles of capital punishment that continue to evolve. Documents discussed in this volume include: A Further Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches; The Eighth Amendment; The Fourteenth Amendment; and the Supreme Court decisions in Furman v. Georgia; Hall v. Florida; and Glossip v. Gross. Each in-depth chapter provides a thorough PRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: THEMEScommentary and analysis of each primary source document, often reprinted in its entirety. Commentary includes a Summary,FREEOverview, Defining Moment, Author Biography, Detailed Document Analysis, and discussion of Essential Themes.Online AccessFREE May 2019 | Two Volumes; 377 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-036-5 | Library Price: $295Defining Documents in American History:Prison ReformFollowing the document is an analysis and a bibliography, rendering the information easily digestible at any level.Recommended. CHOICEThese volumes compile and analyze documents that discuss the fierce debates and legislation related to prison reform, the privatization of prisons, the efforts to end practices like solitary confinement, and the improvement of mental health care in prisons. Documents analyzed include: the Declaration of Principles by the National Congress of Penitentiary and Reformatory Discipline; Fifty Years of Prison Service: An Autobiography, by Zebulon Reed Brockway; Changing Lenses -A New Focus for Crime and Justice by Howard Zehr, Privatizing Correctional Institutions: An Organizational Perspective, by David Shichor and the FIRST STEP Act. Each in-depth chapter provides a thorough commentary and analysis of each primary source document, often reprintedFREEin its entirety. Commentary includes a Summary, Overview, Defining Moment, Author Biography, Detailed Document Analysis, and Online Access discussion of Essential Themes.FREE March 2019 | Two Volumes; 435 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-038-9 | Library Price: $295Defining Documents in American History:Drug PolicyOf interest by a reader who may be writing a term paper or preparing an oral presentation. Not just for libraries serving undergraduates, the set should also be purchased by public libraries. Recommended. CHOICEThis set takes a close look at the history of U.S. drug policies, treatment options, and epidemicsalcohol, opium, morphine, heroin, marijuana, crack cocaine, and the opioid crisisand includes documents related to contemporary issues such as corporate accountability, controversial treatments, sentencing, racial and economic factors, and organized crime. This set organizes the historical documents related to drug policy into six areas: Drug Use and Substance Abuse; Drug Epidemics and Responses; Drug Addiction and Treatment; Drug Prohibitions and Policies; Drugs, Race, and Poverty; and Drugs and Crime. Each Historical Document is introduced by a Summary Overview,FREEDefining Moment, and an Author Biography to give historical and social context. Online AccessFREE March 2020 | Two Volumes; 566 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-401-1 | Library Price: $295eBooks are also available - visit www.salempress.com for more informationGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 64 2024-12-12 12:26PM'