b'History PRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: THEMES61Defining Documents in American History:Workers RightsRECENT DEFINING DOCUMENTSIN AMERICAN HISTORY A distinctive collection of important primary papers with supporting text that provides historical Workerscontext, relevance, and significance of those sources. Great for student reports. Library Journal Rights Workers rights regarding wages, working hours, working conditions, and more, have not always been guaranteed. These rights evolved over time, with the advent of organized labor, and large-scale factorsVOLUME 1 such as world wars and the effects of the Great Depression. By the early 1900s, strikes and labor unrest grew larger and more violent. WWI interrupted labor around the world, resulting in women entering the workforce for the first time, occupying roles traditionally held by men. The roaring 1920s saw a decline in union participation, which continued throughout the Great Depression of the 1930s, as many union members could not afford to pay their dues. That all changed, however, with the enactment of the National Industrial Recovery Act, which finally gave workers the right to organize into unions. These volumes explore the development of workers rights in the United States from the countrys founding to the present. Documents examined include charters, constitutions, legislative debates, political speeches, FREE historical accounts, court cases, disputes between unions and governments, and more. Online AccessRECENTFREEOctober 2023 | Two Volumes; 724 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-408-1 | Library Price: $295Defining Documents in American History:Domestic Terrorism & ExtremismDomestic Terrorism & Extremism offers in-depth analysis of eighty-seven documents, that seek to define events concerning acts of domestic terrorism and extremism, and how those events have helped shape history. The first volume includes essays on the following topics: Early Ruptures in the Body Politic; A Long History of Anti-Black Violenceand Reaction; and Native American Trials & Tribulations. The second volume contains documents on the following topics and events: Religious, Ethnic & Other Hatreds; Anarchy, War & Leftist Radicalism; 9/11 and Domestic Terrorism; and Recent Far-RightHISTORYTerrorism & Extremism. The documents contained within these sections provide an overview of the history and significance of the subjects that have fueled domestic terrorism and extremism since the founding of the nation. Each Historical Document is supported by a critical essay, written by historians and teachers, that includes a Summary Overview, Defining Moment, About the Author, Document Analysis, and Essential Themes. An important feature of each essay is a close reading of the primary FREE source that develops broader themes, such as the authors rhetorical purpose, social or class position,Online Accessand point of view.FREEJune 2022 | Two Volumes; 814 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-087-8 | Library Price: $295BEST SELLER! PRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: THEMESDefining Documents in American History:United States Involvement in the Middle EastThe Middle East and the United States have had a complex relationship, especially as it relates to the conflicts and wars that the region has endured over the past three centuries. This two-volume set organizes this far-reaching content into six sections: Defense of National Interests; Arms and Weapons of Mass Destruction; Covert Operations; Terrorism; Political Regimes; and Fundamentalist Organizations. Each in-depth chapter provides a thorough commentary and analysis of each primary source document, often reprinted in its entirety. Each Historical Document is introduced by a Summary Overview, Defining Moment, and an Author Biography to give historical and social context. Following the Historical Document, a more thorough understanding of the concepts and issues covered in the document is presented in the Document Themes and Analysis. Volume Two includes additional analysis of four FREE important documents discussing the 2021 American exit from Afghanistan. Online AccessFREEApril 2020 | Two Volumes; 715 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-397-7 | Library Price: $295Defining Documents in American History:The Legacy of 9/11This document collection is recommended for school and public libraries.ARBAThe tension between personal liberties and national security became a daily concern for all U.S. citizens in the wake of the attacks on September 11, 2001. Names and groups connected to terrorOsama bin Laden, Ayman al Zawahiri, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, al-Qaeda, ISIS, Army of Islam, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhoodbecame a regular feature of the nightly news.Documents analyzed in this set include: Ladenese epistle; George W. Bushs Bullhorn Speech; President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat;My Guantnamo Diary, Uncensored by Mohamedou Ould Slahi; The Patriot Act; Senate Resolution 118; Detainee Treatment Act; Obama Announces the Death of Osama bin Laden; and Trumps Travel Ban (including challenges and court rulings). Each chapter provides a thorough commentary and a deep analysis of each primary source document, often reproduced in its entirety. Chapters provide a Summary Overview, outline the Defining Moment, and include Author Biography, Document Analysis, and Essential Themes. FREE Online AccessDecember 2018 | One Volume; 320 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-921-5 | Library Price: $175 FREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 61 2024-12-12 12:26PM'