b'58 PRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: THEMES HistoryDefining Documents in American History: NEW! Fall 2025 DEFINING DOCUMENTS Censorship PRINTED ININ AMERICAN HISTORY FULL COLORCensorship Censorship is not a cut-and-dry issuethere are many sides at play in any instance of censorship, from those who seek to prevent certain content from being accessed, to those who seek to promulgate that information and even subvert attempts at censorship. These volumes explore historical examples of censorship in the United States, from the banning of James Joyces Ulysses due to concerns about obscenity, to Hollywoods creation of the Hays Code to regulate sensitive topics such as sex and violence in movies, to repeated challenges over controversial books such as The Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird in schools. It also touches on the Recording Industry Association of America creating the parental advisory label in 1987 to warn consumers of explicit content in music, and other modern examples of censorship in the media as the landscape shifts away from traditional means of conveying information.FREEThe material in this set is organized into curated sections, each beginning with a brief introduction Online Access NEW!that examines the importance of the topic through a variety of historical documents. The documents FREE contained within these sections provide an overview of the history and significance of censorship in American society, exploring the immediate repercussions as well as the long-term effects these See Also: Critical Insights: Censorshipevents had in reshaping American society. & Banned Literature, pg. 44 August 2025 | Two Volumes; 700 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-156-5 | Library Price: $295Defining Documents: The First Amendment, pg. 60 Defining Documents in American History: NEW! Fall 2025 Conservatism PRINTED INFULL COLORDEFINING DOCUMENTSIN AMERICAN HISTORYConservatism has played a major role in U.S. politics since at least the Reagan era, and going HISTORYback to the Nixon administration and before. Conservatism is a political and social ideology that Conservatism emphasizes the importance of tradition, established institutions, and gradual change. Central aspects of conservatism include the value of national customs and institutions, a cautious approach toward immigration, the importance of authority and order, and a sense of loyalty to the nation and its founding principles. In recent decades conservatives, generally aligned with the Republican Party, have promoted limited government, military might, financial deregulation, and private enterprise as the way forward for the United States. Successful election results in recent years have seen the rise of Christian nationalist politics and the emergence of Donald J. Trump as the new herald of a hardline PRIMARY SOURCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: THEMESconservativism, one, even, that challenges existing institutions. Covering key moments and ideas from previous eras to today, this work explores this all-important thread in American political culture and how it has impacted the workings of government, the economy, national defense, international relations, law and society, domestic programs, and cultural values throughout U.S. history. TheFREEdocuments contained within these sections provide an overview of the history and significance of Online Access NEW!conservatism in American society, exploring key milestones in the movements development from the FREE days of the Founding Fathers to the modern era.September 2025 | Two Volumes; 700 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-379-8 | Library Price: $295Defining Documents in American History: NEW! Fall 2025 Liberalism PRINTED INFULL COLORDEFINING DOCUMENTS Liberalism has long been a central factor in U.S. politics, going back at least to the New Deal and IN AMERICAN HISTORYcontinuing through the Great Society of the 1960s and the social justice and environmental movements Liberalism of today. As a social and political ideology, liberalism emphasizes the democratic ideals of anti-authoritarianism, the equality of all peoples, the rule of law, and democratic governance through regular elections and civil participation. Liberals generally accept that social progress entails a contest among differing ideas and beliefs, for the betterment of all. Liberal principles have lain behind many Democratic presidencies, from Franklin D. Roosevelts to Bill Clintons to Barack Obamas and Joe Bidens terms in office. And yet liberalism, long subject to criticism by conservatives, has lately suffered significant setbacks in U.S. politics, even as it continues to enjoy broad support among the American populace. How has liberalism been informed by its past, and what is the best path forward for its supporters in the twenty-first century? Covering key moments and ideas from previous eras to today, this work explores this all-important thread in American political culture and how it has impacted the workings of government, the economy, national defense, international relations, law and society, domestic programs, and cultural values throughout U.S. history. The documents contained within these sectionsFREEprovide an overview of the history and significance of liberalism in American society, exploring important Online Access NEW!moments in the ideologys development from the founding of the country to current times.FREESeptember 2025 | Two Volumes; 700 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-383-5 | Library Price: $295GET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 58 2024-12-12 12:26PM'