b'Social Sciences THE WORLD 55World GeographyBEST SELLER!Second Edition Edited by Joseph M. CastagnoNo longer does the study of geography mean just memorizing names and locations of places. Today, geography is the understanding of the characteristics of places and the complex interconnections among them. This updated edition of World Geography is arranged into six volumes by world region: North America and the Caribbean; South and Central America; Africa; Europe; Asia; and Australia, Antarctica and Pacific Islands.Each volume covers the following concepts: Geographical Concepts and Worldview Regional Breakdown Human Geography, including Political GeographyPhysical GeographyBiogeography and Natural Resources Economic GeographySOCIAL SCIENCES GazetteerThese broad categories are further segmented into 20-25 chapters that explore hydrology, climatology, natural resources, population distribution, culture regions, exploration, urbanization, agriculture, industries, engineering projects, transportation, and communications.The gazetteer that is part of each volume is extensive. It includes hundreds of descriptive entries on significant places in the region and corresponding maps. In addition, each volume includes helpful maps, photos, and sidebars. The back matter of each volume includes a comprehensive glossary with 1,600 basic geographical terms, and a thorough subject index. Full of four-color photos and illustrations, THE WORLDthis second edition has been carefully updated to reflect the world today. FREE Online AccessThere is no better resource to get a sense of how geography affects our world, FREEour country, and our neighborhood.Arrangement:RegionsHistory of Geography, Mapmaking in History, Mapmaking & New TechnologiesCoverage of Each RegionPhysical GeographyClimate & Human Settlement, Flood Control, Atmospheric Pollution, Disease & ClimatePhysiography, Hydrology, ClimatologyBiogeography & Natural ResourcesMinerals, Renewable Resources, Nonrenewable ResourcesNatural Resources, Flora, FaunaHuman GeographyThe Human Environment, Population Growth & Distribution, Global Urbanization People, Population Distribution, Culture Regions, Urbanization, Political GeographyEconomic GeographyTraditional & Commercial Agriculture, Modern Agricultural Problems, World Food Supplies,Agriculture, Industries, Engineering Projects, Transportation, Trade, CommunicationsPRINTED INALL VOLUMES ARE PRINTED IN FULL COLORFULL COLORAVAILABLE AS A SIX-VOLUME AfricaSET, OR AS INDIVIDUALJuly 2020l496 pages REGIONAL VOLUMES: Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-429-5 Library Price: $145Six Volume Set EuropeSeptember 2020 | 6 Volumes; 3,144 pages June 2020l530 pages Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-425-7Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-430-1 Library Price: $595 Library Price: $145North America & the CaribbeanAsiaAugust 2020l546 pagesMay 2020l535 pages Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-427-1Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-431-8 Library Price: $145 Library Price: $145South & Central America Australia, Antarctica & Pacific IslandsMarch 2020l501 pagesSeptember 2020l536 pages Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-428-8Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-432-5 Library Price: $145 Library Price: $145GET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 55 2024-12-12 12:26PM'