b'Social Sciences Social Sciences IMMIGRATION, CIVIL RIGHTS & CONFLICTS 53Encyclopedia of American Immigration BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!A solid starting point for projects on any aspect of American immigration. School Library JournalSecond Edition. Designed for high school students, college undergraduates, and the general researcher, the Encyclopedia of American Immigration offers a clear and innovative approach to immigration history. The articles paint a wide-ranging portrait of the trials and triumphs of immigration in the United States from the 17th century to the present, treating this complex issue in extensive detail. Overview essays cover broad issues ranging from accent discrimination to AIDS, world migration patterns, and xenophobia. Other essays cover events, laws, treaties, organizations, institutions, and Supreme Court rulings on immigration. The set also profiles 50 people, most of whom were post-independence era immigrants who had a significant impact on the United States, highlighting their experiences as immigrants. Every essay begins with a brief summary of its topics significance in American immigration history. Plus, all essays, regardless of length, have a Further Reading list, which is thoughtfully annotated in longer pieces.September 2021 | Three Volumes; 1,239 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-688-6 | List Price: $395FREESOCIAL SCIENCESOnline AccessSee Also: Defining Documents: Immigration, pg. 65 l Critical Insights: The Immigrant Experience, pg. 47 FREECivil Rights Movements: Past & Present This two-volume set expands on the thematic scope of the previous edition, focusing not only on Black Americans efforts to secure civil rights, but also those of `women, the LGBT community, ethnic minorities, the disabled, and other groups. Recommended. General readers and undergraduates.CHOICESecond Edition. These volumes explore the ways in which civil rights have been given, cemented, overturned, or left unrecognized, from the first uprisings to present-day. Over 350 essays are designed to provide high school and community college students, undergraduates, and the general public with an overview of civil rights issuesIMMIGRATION, CIVIL RIGHTS & CONFLICTSin all their manifestations. Not just focusing on the history of African American civil rights, this updated edition has been expanded to include other civil rights movementsthe womens movement, the LGBT movement, the Chicano Movement, the American Indian movement, and the disability rights movementwhile still maintaining a comprehensive overview of African American civil rights. Additional features include an updated Bibliography, Glossary of Notable Civil Rights Figures, Timeline, and a Subject Index. These informative essays provide historical background to foster a better, more in-depth understanding of the events and figures that are shaping todays conversations on civil rights. FREE January 2020 | Two Volumes; 745 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-405-9 | Library Price: $195 Online AccessFREESee Also: Defining Documents: Civil Rights, pg. 63Racial & Ethnic Relations in AmericaWhether information is needed about the significance of rap music, the various civil rights acts, court cases thathave defined racial identity and law, the influence of one minority group upon another, hate crimes, gangs,or historical demographics, it will be found here highly recommended.BooklistSecond Edition. These volumes discuss the history and current state of race relations in America. Over 900 entries present clear, detailed descriptions of ideas and theories, descriptions of people and events, and essential facts about court cases, laws, and movements. Theory articles discuss how racial groups are formed, how they change over time, and how they relate to one another. History articles provide readers with easy access to the historical background of race and ethnicity. Current Events & Issues discuss key barriers or challenges affecting our ability to interrelate with people of different races, ethnicity, and cultures. Pioneers of Intergroup Relations provides sketches of individuals who have been especially influential in shaping relations among racial and ethnic groups. Designed for high school students, undergraduates, and public library patrons, this resource illuminates the many concepts, themes, and issues in race relations in America, both from a historical perspective and in todays modern society.FREE May 2017 | Three Volumes; 1,506 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-315-2 | Library Price: $295 Online AccessFREECountries: Their Wars & ConflictsThis is a well-done, handy, quick, and readable reference on most of the trouble areas of the globe. It would beof assistance in most any library. ARBASecond Edition. This comprehensive four-volume set provides reliable and understandable analysis of the hot spots of armed conflict around the world. This edition pays special attention to the conflicts in Afghanistan, Myanmar, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, and Venezuela, along with detailed coverage on volatile regions, like North Korea, Russia, and the U.S./Saudi/Iran relationship. Each volume starts with an informative regional essay. Next, country chapters discuss the origin, nature and history of its conflicts, including Early History, Revolution and War, Transitional Government, Ongoing Problems, Economic Challenges, and Future Prospects. Helpful features include a statistical profile, map, and timeline of all conflicts and takeovers to the present day. Each volume ends with a list of essays by type of conflict, current, former and variant names of countries, and a detailed index. These informative essays provide the necessary historical background to foster a better, more in-depth understanding of the events and figures that are shaping todays conversation about global affairs. FREE Online AccessNovember 2019 | Four Volumes; 1,110 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-293-2 | Library Price: $395 FREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 53 2024-12-12 12:26PM'