b'Literature CRITICAL APPROACHES & CRITICAL INSIGHTS: FILM51Critical Approaches to Literature Feminist BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!PsychologicalUnlike other essay collections dealing with psychological approaches to literature, this one stresses a wideMoral LITERATURErange of psychological approaches rather than a single perspective. Essays explore the sheer variety of potential ways to think about literature and film from numerous psychological perspectives, including Freudian,ACPPRRIOAICCHAELS TEvans CRITICALnon-Freudian, and anti-Freudian viewpoints. APPROACHESM TO LITERATUREMarch 2017 |Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-272-8 | Library Price: $125 PRobert C. Evans is I. B. Young Professor of English at Auburn Uofessor of the niversity at eceived his Year th, ontgomerouth Ay (Arinceton Utlantic Association of Dby the S UM), wherniversitye he has taught since 1982. Ieditor of o . Most reparecentlytments of E, he was named Pnglish. Hn 1984, he rre is the author or ose Bartha Mierce, Amy oulsworhD from Pver thirty-ve books on such topics as Ben Jonson, M y, literare, and yedMoral Edited by Robert C. Evanscriticism, tw rank OConnor, Brian Friel, Ambrvelists, Sy theorhakespearariety of topics, Kate Chopin, John Donne, Fy American writers, American noTan, Philip Larentieth-centurseventeenth-centurkin, early modern women writers, pluralist literarMoral especially dealing with Renaissance literature. He is also the author of r yy English literatur e, critical theory, women writers, shoroughly four hundrt published or forthcoming essays or notes (in print and online) on a vction, and literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Among the essays in this volume:\x1ee Genius of the S Yotherse in Zaint: Hadie Sarriet Bmitheecher Ss \x1fe Eteinbeckmbassy of Cs \x1fe Grambodiaapes of Wrath\x1ee E rian towes Moral Artistrby ammy Amiel H ohn Sy BObne frTthics of Carom Many: Morality in JouserThis collection suggests how and why moral approaches to literature, which were often ignored or even by Nicolas TredellSympathy for the Devil Inside by Mary Beth Willarddisdained for much of the twentieth century, have made a strong comeback in recent decades. One of the books purposes is to provide an overview of various kinds of moral approaches that can be taken to the study of literature. Another purpose is to offer a sampling of how to write about such issues.491e9n Riao NutYe12225, 0P1O Box 56 VIEW THIS BOOK S PARLEESMS Multicultural ACPPRRIOAICCHAELS T CRITICAL CRITICAL APPROACHES & CRITICAL INSIGHTS: FILMAhmone: 518-789-8700 | 800-562-2139 F ONLINE EvansPawx:w 8.g4r5e-y3h7o3u-6se3.6co0m | books@greyhouse.com https://online.salempress.com APPROACHESwApril 2017 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-274-2 | Library Price: $125 th, Kate Chopin, eTO LITERATUREwww.salempress.com | books@salempress.comR ontgomer Young Professor of English at Ae is the author or editor of moruburn University at Mobert C. Evy, wherans is I. B. e he has taught since 1982.Hen Jonson, Martha MoulsworTan, early modern y American John Donne, Fty books (on such topics as B y English literature).Feministthan thirrank OConnor, By theorrian Fy, literarriel, Ambry criticism, twose Bierce, Amy entieth-centurwomen writers, pluralist literarwriters, American novelists, Shakespearee hundre, and seved published or forenteenth-centurthcoming essays or enaissanceEdited by Robert C. EvansFeminist He is also the author of roughly thrariety of topics, especially dealing with Rt ction, and literature of the nineteenth notes (in print and online) on a vliterature, critical theory, women writers, shorand twentieth centuries. H ohn Donne Variorum Edition. contributing editor to the Je is one of three editors of the Ben Jonson Journal and is aAmong the essays in this volume:eader: \x1fe Ladys Magazine in the New Republic Imag(in)ing the Fby Karen E. Rowemale Re Linda Loman and Cognitive Psychology in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman by This volume explores the concept of feminism in literature from the Renaissance to the present day, discussingorters Re-Envisioning ofMRober arah Fredericks ake St C. Eavings, Nvans ot Children: Malthus and Population Control in Emma and Manseld Park bney Ss Own: Katherine Anne PA HWemingwayar Story of Os A Farewell to Arms by Michael E. Kaufmann works from a variety of genres, such as novels, dramas, short stories, poems, and films. Both male and femaleCRRI OAICCHAELS TAPP Evans CRITICALcontributors, who represent a wide range of ethnic, social, and cultural backgrounds, provide stimulating and Robert C. Evans is I. B. Young Professor of English at Auburn University atAPPROACHESvarying intellectual points of view on this important and relevant topic.Montgomernivy, wherersitye he has taught since 1982. I e is the author or editor of mor TO LITERATUREPrinceton U . Most recently, he was named Pn 1984 he rrofessor of the eceived his PYear bhD fry the Som outh e Atlantic Association of D nglish.HBox 56 Multicultural Sthan thirty books (on such topics as Bepartments of Een Jriel, Ambr 4919 Route 22, PO1John Donne, Frank O Connor, Brian F onson, Mose B an, early modern artha Mierce, Amy oulsworTth, Kate Chopin, women writers, pluralist literarvelists, Soughly thrhakespearee hundr y criticism, tw F 250-680700 | 800-562-2139 PARLEESMS Edited by Robert C. Evanswriters, American no Ameni:a 5 N1Y8 -17-8693 y American e. He is also the author of r y theory, literare, and seved published or forthcoming essays or enteenth-centurentieth-century English literaturPahxo:n 8e4r5e-y3h7o3use.com | books@greyhouse.comJanuary 2018 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-577-4 | Library Price: $125wwwwwwgsalempress.com | books@salempress.comnotes (in print and online) on a variety of topics, especially dealing with Renaissance literature, critical theory, women writers, short ction, and literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Among the essays in this v rinking in Moderation in Early Modern English Sounding the Alarum: Calls for Dolume: WrightMulticultural Fb Pamphlets, Pulpits, and Playspileptic S by Jonathan D. eizures in Shakespeares OthelloTrance, Trauma, PNES, and Eromobert C. Eelievvanse to \x1ee Marching Hordes: \x1ee Edges of Multiculturalismy R\x1fis I Bin the Juvenile Novels of Rarack Ooberbamat A. Hs Dreinleineams fr bom My Rafeeq O. My Father by R\x1ee Other Father in Bok Cheung cGivobereront Kyriakos Smith and King-KThis volume approaches multiculturalism in broad terms, exploring cultural differences involving such matters as physical disability, sexual orientation, particular social roles, distinct stages of life, and specific kinds of language usage. Multiculturalism in this volume is used to refer not only to different ethnic and racial cultures,1 S PARLEESMS4919 Route 22, PO Box 56Amenia 5- NY -3-6360728590-81700 | 800-562-2139but to different historical periods as well.P Fahxo:n 8e4: 5 1 387wwwwwgsarleeymhopuresess.c.coomm bbooookkss@@gsraelyehmopursees.sc.ocmomwJuly 2017 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-575-0 | Library Price: $125Critical Insights: FilmCasablancaConsidered one of the greatest films of the twentieth century, this romantic drama is still hailed for its all-star cast, exceptional screenwriting, and memorable soundtrack, and continues to be ranked as one of the greatest motion pictures ever made. This volume offers insightful essays analyzing the reasons for this film classics acclaim, as well as its influences on the modern film industry. April 2016 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-876-1 | Library Price: $105Bonnie & Clyde Starring Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway as the infamous gangster duo, 1967s Bonnie and Clyde helped pave the way for the New Hollywood school of filmmaking, given its rapid shifts of tone, portrayal of sex and violence, and popularity with a younger audience. This compilation takes a closer look at the landmark film, its influences, and the controversies surrounding its release.BEST SELLER!May 2016 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-878-5 | Library Price: $105Alfred HitchcockA welcome addition. a fine selection for academic and larger public libraries. Definitely a circulating reference title, and very handy for the DVD shelf.Library Journal Regarded as The Master of Suspense and one of the most influential filmmakers of all time, this volume discusses what makes a film truly Hitchcockianthe plot twist, voyeurism, and the innocent man accusedand analyzes some of Hitchcocks best-known works, including Psycho, North by Northwest, Vertigo, and Rear Window. December 2016 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-110-3 | Library Price: $105Stanley Kubrick Noted for his breathtaking cinematography, groundbreaking use of music, and strict perfectionist style,Stanley Kubrick remains a cinematic giant today. This volume analyzes the legendary director and his techniques in such films as 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Full Metal Jacket. July 2016 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-108-0 | Library Price: $105FREE Online Access All Critical Approaches & Critical Insights titles come with free online accessFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 51 2024-12-12 12:26PM'