b'50 CRITICAL INSIGHTS: THEMESLiteratureSouthwestern LiteratureNovels of the American Southwest most often deal with battles between man and the desert landscape, quests of Manifest Destiny, tales of the Old West, and cross-cultural conflicts between white American settlers and Native LITERATUREAmerican tribes, including the Navajo and Apache. This volume explores these and many other themes found in the works of such authors as Willa Cather, Cormac McCarthy, Larry McMurtry, and more.January 2016 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-842-6 | Library Price: $105The Supernatural NEW!Supernatural literature involves a close yet strange relationship between reality and something above or beyond (and often threatening to) our everyday lives. It evokes a sense of mystery and danger (as in ghost stories) or even dangerous seduction (as in vampire narratives). Emerging from and closely related to Gothic literature, supernatural writing emphasizes both mystery and the adrenalin-fueled excitement that mystery frequently provokes. This volume examines supernatural literature from varied perspectives while also paying CRITICAL INSIGHTS: THEMESclose attention to the artistic effectiveness of supernatural writings, the ways such writings have influenced other media and films, along with the reception accorded, over the centuries, to supernatural fictions.PRINTED IN September 2024 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-740-2 | Library Price: $105NEW!FULL COLORSurvivalThis volume examines survival in both literal and figurative terms to include such varied kinds of survival as physical, psychological, social, and spiritual endurance. The book, in short, explores a theme important to such key literary works as Homers Odyssey, Melvilles Moby-Dick, Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Elie Wiesels Night, as well as Jon Krakauers nonfiction work, Into the Wild, among many others.BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! September 2018 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-920-8 | Library Price: $105Technology & HumanityHuman engagement with technology has a deep history, as social progress and creative expression have long been connected with the development, deployment, and representation of what we recognize as technological products and processes. This volume explores the theme in such important works as Frankenstein, The Great Gatsby, The House of Seven Gables, and Neuromancer.September 2012 | Print ISBN: 978-1-4298-3739-2 | Library Price: $105Truth & LiesThis volume ranges widely over literary works of many centuries and diverse cultures. It discusses: why the topic has seemed so important to so many authors and readers; how the terms truth and lies have been diversely defined; how (if at all) literature can contribute to serious exploration of this important moral issue; and how and why the theme continues to remain so relevant. Some important thinkers have seen literature as a key means of apprehending and propagating truth; others (such as Plato) have associated CRITICAL literature itself with inveterate lying. This volume explores how creative writers have dealt with this INSIGHTScontroversy in different ways.Violence in October 2022 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-349-7 | Library Price: $105Literature Edited by Stacy PeeblesViolence in LiteratureOur oldest stories are about conflict. Historical contexts range from ancient Greece to postcolonial Africa to the American West, and topics considered include the role of the witness, how place affects our understanding of BEST SELLER! conflict, the aestheticization of violence, how trauma is written on the body, and contemporary war stories.September 2014 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-409-1 | Library Price: $105Virginia Woolf & 20th Century Women WritersThis volume showcases the multivalent nature of Woolfs life and fiction, along with her pervasive and varied influence on a diverse array of women writers from Britain, Ireland, America, New Zealand, and the Caribbean. The women writers profiled represent Woolfs transatlantic appeal across ethnic and national lines, affinity and influence, and friendship and mentorship.December 2014 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-419-0 | Library Price: $105WarWith sources ranging from the usual suspects (Hemingway, Vonnegut, and OBrien) to writers not as commonly associated with war literature such as Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolf, Flannery OConnor, and a host of modern science fiction writers, this volume provides a unique viewpoint on just how deeply the specter of war has imbedded itself in the consciousness and artistic expressions of human beings.September 2012 | Print ISBN: 978-1-4298-3740-8 | Library Price: $105 FREE eBooks are also available - visit www.salempress.com for more information All Critical Insights titles come with free online access Online AccessFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 50 2024-12-12 12:26PM'