b'Literature CRITICAL INSIGHTS: THEMES47The Heros Quest BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!Odysseus, Gilgamesh, Aeneas, even The Lord of the Rings Frodotheir stories thrill us with their adventure and classic quest themes. This volume considers the heros quest with both new and original essays that discuss works such as The Odyssey, The Aeneid, The Inferno, Gullivers Travels, Tom Jones, Moby-Dick, LITERATUREHis Dark Materials, and Surfacing.September 2012 | Print ISBN: 978-1-4298-3737-8 | Library Price: $105Historical Fiction An essential book for teachers in middle to high school education. ARBAThis volume encourages readers to engage with plots based on historical events and characters in several ways. They may re-imagine history in cases where it is reconstructed; become better acquainted with history as it is personalized through specific characters; and, perhaps most importantly, even question history.January 2018 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-710-5 | Library Price: $105Holocaust Literature The Immigrant Experience BEST SELLER! CRITICAL INSIGHTS: THEMESThis collection will interest students of history and comparative literature. ARBAFrom 1941 to 1945, the regime of Nazi Germany committed mass genocide against six million Jewish people in Europe, as well as five million Romani, homosexuals, disabled citizens, and communists.This volume takes an in-depth look at the literature that came out of the Holocaust, from nonfictionaccounts like Anne Franks The Diary of a Young Girl and Elie Wiesels Night, to fictionalized novels such as Sophies Choice by William Styron. October 2016 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-527-2 | Library Price: $105 CRITICAL CRITICALVIEW THIS BOOK INSIGHTSONLINE Jayasuriyahttps://online.salempress.com INSIGHTSThe Immigrant ExperienceMaryse Jayasuriya is an associate prts at the University of ofessor of ETexas at English and an associate dean in the l Paso. She also teaches coursesfr The ImmigrantCollege of Liberal Arin Asian studies and womens and gender studies. She earned her MA and Polyer roke College. Hesearch interer primarests include arom Purdue University and her BA from Me and theorount Hy. H hD y South Asian, East andsian R econciliation: Sri Lankan heExperienceea of research is postcolonial literaturWest African, Oceanian, Caribbean, and nineteenth and twentieth-centuriteratury British literature, 19832009e. H, was published ber book, Terror and Ry Lexington Books (2012). S, Asiatic, Indialogs, Phoenix,Edited by Maryse Jayasuriya Anglophone Lhas published articles and reviews in South A ourneys, Meviewargins and the edited sian Literature (2016), Essays deal with issues ranging from racism and discrimination to culture shock and homesickness, ultures and Societies, JJournal of Postcolonial Cfromcollections Postcolonial Urban Outcasts: City Margins in South AContemporary Immigrant Sxotic (2009). hort Fiction: Critical Insights (2015), and South Asia and its Others: Reading the Enecessary attempts at assimilation to anxiety about cultural loss and a struggle to prevent erasure. ade to Leave,olume:he eturn: Writing Movement in Among the essays in this v W t e Made to R r We Are MO e ArContemporarreedom, and the Iy Arab American Literaturmmigrant Experience: A Re by Mejdulene B. Seading of Hhomalia Jins A Free WLriting, Fife by Te-hsing Shan Making a Place: Life Narratives of Undocumented Youth, by Martathemes include balancing multiple identities across generations and the language of refugee literature.Caminero-Santangelo Contemporary African IHomegoing by Brian Yothersmmigration and the Legacy of Slavery in Yaa Gyasis March 2018 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-692-4 | Library Price: $105Inequality4919 Route 22, PO Box 56Ahmoennei:a5N1Y8- 7182590-81700 | 800-562-2139P S ParleeSmSFax: 845-373-6360Essays explore literary representations of social and economic inequality, including those which addresshouss.eco.cmomwwwwwwgsareleymhopuressesccoomm | | b cosor@kss@algermeypresmultiple vectors of social marginalization; consider authors strategies for compelling readers attention to these political issues; and engage with questions of aesthetics, canon formation, and literary value. May 2018 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-690-0 | Library Price: $105LGBTQ Literature BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!A discerning resource for further education. ARBAFor many centuries LGBTQ literature was often ignored, shunned, banned, or even destroyed.Only very recently is it freely produced and freely discussed.In-depth essays explore a diverse group of authors including Gertrude Stein, James Fenimore Cooper, Herman Melville, C.P. Cavafy, E.M. Forster, Angelina Weld Grimk, Djuna Barnes, Wilfred Owen, Robert Francis, Mae V. Cowdery, and Vikram Seth.May 2015 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-423-7 | Library Price: $105Literature in Times of CrisisAlmost since its inception, literature has emphasized and explored crises of various sorts, including political upheavals, social turmoil, destructive warfare, familial and personal conflicts, and devastating external dangers, especially those involving disease, the environment, the economy, and natural disasters. This volume explores a wide range of crises and the ways they have been written about in literature across genres and time periods. It also emphasizes the artistry involved in the many works it examines. January 2021 | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-754-8 | Library Price: $105Literature of ProtestA diverse geographical, cultural, and historical field of study, drawn together by their conveyance of socially progressive ideas in an emotionally compelling, consciousness-altering way. Critical essays on a diverseVIEW THIS BOO E CRITICAL CRITICALK INSIGHTSONLIN Evanscollection of writers highlight Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mark Twain, George Orwell, and Yevgeny Zamyatin. https://online.salempress.com INSIGHTSMarch 2013 | Print ISBN: 978-1-4298-3826-9 | Library Price: $105 Love Love Robert C. EvansRobert C. Evans was I. B. Young Professor of English at Aded emeritus status upon uburn University at Montgomery, where he taught since 1982 and was awarhis retirement in 2021. While at AUM he received the Faculty Excellence Award and was named Distinguished Research Professor, Dh.D. fristinguished om Princeton UTeaching Pnivrofessorersity, , where he held Weaver and rofessorWhiting fello. He receivwships. Hed his Pis research has been supported by and University Alumni PLove Huntington Librarocietyy, the N, and the UCLational EA Center for Mndowment for the Hedieval and Rdition, and author or editor fellowships from the Nolger Shakespearewberry Librare Library (twice), the American Council of Learned Societies, the F y (twice), the Mellon Foundation, the Philosophical S umanities, the American He is a contributing editor to the John Donne Variorum E enaissance Studies. of appry theoroximately 60 books on such topics as early modern women writers, pluralist literar nglish literaturSouth A y, twentieth-centure. Most ry American writers, Secently he was named Phakespearrofessor of the e, and sevYenteenth-ear by the century Etlantic Association of Departments of English, and in 2020 he won the Eugene Current-Garcia Distinguished Scholar Aolume: ward.Few topics have been more central to so much creative literature than love, which can be defined in manyAmong the essays in this v anishment and Persistence of Love in the Star WarsNSo Lo y S. G. Eedi: The Baga bve for the JMasculine Lo llerhoff liots The Mill on the Floss Forms of Lo ve at the fin-de-siecleuestion of P by assion in GTracy Hayeorge Eesdifferent waysplatonic love, spiritual love, love of character, erotic love, love of family, and more. This volume ve and the Qby John RignallOn Bve and Chance in Comedy and eing in Love, and on Modern LoTragedy: Sve by Jhakespeareremy Tamblinges Romeo and Juliet and LoPlautuss The Rope by Edwin Wongexplores the different kinds of love from various viewpoints, and examines works about love from different literary genres. This work is deliberately pluralistic, raising many questions about different kinds of love.February 2022 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-077-9 | Library Price: $105 S PARLEESMS4919 Route 22, PO Box 56APhmoennei:a 5 N18Y- 718295-081700 | 800-562-2139 FREEFax: 845-373-6360wwwwwgsareleymhopuresses.c.coomm | | b csr@salempress.comooks@greyhouse.comOnline Access All Critical Insights titles come with free online access wFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 47 2024-12-12 12:26PM'