b'46 CRITICAL INSIGHTS: THEMESLiteratureFlash FictionA thoughtful collection that will engage. ARBAThis first-of-its-kind volume on flash fictionprose of no more than 1,000 wordstracks the development LITERATUREand critical context of this international literary genre. Essays look at both prominent forebearers and current practitioners including Kate Chopin, Franz Kafka, Julio Cortazar, Amy Hempel, and Lydia Davis.April 2017 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-270-4 | Library Price: $105CRITICALFriendship NEW! Spring 2025INSIGHTS FriendshipThis collection of essays explores how friendship has been treated in a variety of literary works, from the classics like Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn to more modern works like J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter series. Essays trace how the concept of friendship has evolved over time, comparing the warrior-bonds of ancient epics, to the platonic ideals of Renaissance humanism, to the psychological complexities of the CRITICAL INSIGHTS: THEMESmodern novel. INSIGHTS March 2025 | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-132-9 | Library Price: $105CRITICAL BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! CritiCal PRINTED INMtudies at the US een is a professor of English and he specializWes in Lomens,GGBT literaturender, and Se and, morexuality eBreen Gender, Sex & Sexuality inSiGhtS NEW!FULL COLORbr argaret Sonser Bnivrersity of Connecticut. S Gender, Sex Gender, Sex & SexualityDesir eserts of the Heart (2009). er publications include Narratives of Queer oadlye: D, gender and sexuality studies. H Among the essays in this v hakespear: Gender and Jewishness in Anzia Yesierskas& SexualityA Queer Time for Sex in Molume:attheew Les Macbethwis The M, Greg Colon Sonk, Lisa BemenzalansettUnsexing Gender in Sfor a Parersoncus Edited by Margaret Sonser BreenMBaking Hread Giverself ers, Lisa Muthorship and Authority, Frederick S. Roden with WJoseph J. P So much great literature centers on explorations of gender, sex, and sexuality. What does it mean to be a riting Gender: Aortanovaproper man or woman? What if one cannot be properly called either? Should one wield ones sexual power politically? What is the relation between law, divine or secular, and sexuality? These are just some of the questions that this volume examines through an analysis of a wide range of texts. August 2014 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-403-9 | Library Price: $105T ityJ8-050 a1, Suite 310 S ParleeSmS Going Into the Woods NEW!P0l7a6z00Hwaock Uennsiavecrks 9N6PFahxo:n 2e0: 12-0916-8-0511Woods and forests have long been places of beauty and danger, of charm and threat, wild places where people can easily lose their way and face danger.In Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream, entry into a forest can result in magical outcomes. In Jack Londons short story In a Far Country, entering a forest can suggest hardship, survival, and potential madness. This volume explores the theme of journeying into the woods by interpreting the topic broadly and sometimes metaphorically. Relevant works include The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Walden, Heart of Darkness, Flannery O Connors A View of the Woods, Sondheim and Lapines NEW!play Into the Woods, the Harry Potter series, as well as Jon Krakauers noted work of nonfiction, Into the Wild. PRINTED INFULL COLOR October 2024 | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-052-0 | Library Price: $105Good & EvilFrom allegorical morality tales to cathartic horror stories to all-too-real personal narratives of unspeakable The Graphic Novel BEST SELLER! events, literature has always provided an especially powerful medium for the study of good and evil. This INSIGHTS volume explores the theme in such works as King Lear, Maus, Jane Eyre, and the Harry Potter series.CRITICAL CRITICALHoppenstand INSIGHTS September 2012 | Print ISBN: 978-1-4298-3736-1 | Library Price: $105specialties include genr e. ticles, and has rrofessor of Eeceived numernglish at Mous awarichigan Sds for his rtate Ue has published nivesearersitych on . HisThe Graphic NovelEdited bous books and arnumer y Gary Hoppenstand, Pe and formula studies in ction and lm. Hpopular cultur olume: raphic Novarel,ed Govel, by Rikk Mulligan Edited by Gary Hoppenstand The Graphic Novel Among the essays in this v ey Johnsonby Rich Shivener\x1ee Crime Nillers arrativBatman Re and the Goad to P, by JererditionF\x1erank MMax Allan Collinse Reality/Fantasy Narrative and the G, by Jraphic NrinAn excellent general introduction to the field. ARBAThis volume offers an examination and analysis of the contemporary graphic novel as literature. Specific attention is paid to the use of narrative genre in the graphic novel (e.g., superhero, crime, horror, realistic, fantastic). Articles discuss some of the most popular graphic novels, including Batman, Watchmen,TUnns201-968-0 az00 S ParleeSmS The Crow, Sin City, The Walking Dead, and Road to Perdition.Hwaocnkee:iv aecrks iNtyJP0l7560 a1, Suite 310Fahxo: 201-968-0511PFebruary 2014 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-262-2 | Library Price: $105Greed From early works like the Epic of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey, to more recent writings by Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, Arthur Miller, and many others, these informative essays give students a new way to study greed as a literary theme.BEST SELLER!June 2019 | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-277-2 | Library Price: $105Harlem RenaissanceIntelligently conceived, thought-provoking essay collection. ARBAThe Harlem Renaissance represented an explosion of African American literature, drama, music, and visualart in 1920s America, with such notable figures as Langston Hughes, W.E.B. Du Bois, Zora Neale Hurston,Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, and many more leading the charge. This compilation of essays takesa closer look at this pivotal point in African American history, as well as its origins, identity, portrayal ofwomen, and rediscovered authors.October 2015 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-822-8 | Library Price: $105 FREE eBooks are also available - visit www.salempress.com for more information All Critical Insights titles come with free online access Online AccessFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 46 2024-12-12 12:26PM'