b'42 CRITICAL INSIGHTS: WORKS LiteratureBEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! The Tales of Edgar Allan PoeThe original essays in this volume illuminate the influences that shaped Poe, contextualize his work, and assess his enduring impact on American and European poetry and fiction. Featured essays include critical LITERATUREreadings of The Fall of the House of Usher, The Black Cat, The Tell-Tale Heart, and Berenice.October 2009 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-616-3 | Library Price: $105Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale HurstonZora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God is now seen as one of the most important books in twentieth-century American literature, after being nearly forgotten until the 1970s. This volume explores the book from numerous and diverse perspectives, including race, gender, and class; and gives full attention to its remarkable artistry. December 2020 | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-746-3 | Library Price: $105Things Fall Apart, by Chinua AchebeCRITICAL INSIGHTS: WORKSIntroductory essays reflect on Achebes pioneering achievement and evaluate its enduring international popularity. Also included is a comparison of Things Fall Apart to major literary works within the Western canon, such as The Odyssey and The Iliad; the novels depiction of gender; presentation of cultural violence; and portrayal of colonization. October 2010 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-711-5 | Library Price: $105BEST SELLER! To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper LeeOverview essays consider the cultural contexts surrounding the novel and the critical reception of Lees work. Other essays offer a close examination of the novel as wisdom literature and consider the lessons being taught in the novel, and a consideration of narrative strategies in both the novel and the film.October 2009 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-618-7 | Library Price: $105Twelfth Night, or What You Will, by William Shakespeare NEW! Twelfth Night is one of Shakespeares most-loved but also most complex comedies. The play is famously funny, presenting abundant humor of various shades (from slapstick to subtle, raucous to witty) while also presenting nuanced shades of darkness and many reasons for serious reflection. This volume explores this notoriously gender-bending comedy, offering historical, comparative, stylistic, psychological, and philosophical perspectives.January 2024 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-728-0 | Library Price: $105Twelve Years a Slave, by Solomon Northup NEW!This volume explores numerous perspectives of Twelve Years a Slave including those of race, class, history, biography, psychology, and sociology. Solomon Northups narrative is examined in terms of its initial reception, its rediscovery by scholars, its adaptations for television and film, and its relevance to the history of American NEW!slavery. It is compared and contrasted with other works, such as Uncle Toms Cabin (to which it bears intriguing similarities), and it is set in the context of the American abolitionist movement and later movements for civil rights in the United States.PRINTED IN November 2024 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-734-1 | Library Price: $105FULL COLORWar and Peace, by Leo TolstoyNEW!The student of War and Peace is sure to find new insights in this resource.ARBATolstoys epic novel is one of the most famous pieces of Russian literature and is on the short list of the most important works of literature in the world. War and Peace expresses concern whether Russia should continue to conform its culture to the Western European ways, through the lens of five Russian aristocratic families. Essay topics explore historical fiction, war drama, and realism.CRITICAL The Woman Warrior BEST SELLER! April 2014 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-393-3 | Library Price: $105INSIGHTS CRITICALLinda Trinh Moser teaches and writes about multicultural American and worldMoser INSIGHTS The Woman Warrior, by Maxine Hong KingstonWestliterature and womenead of the Es literaturnglish Dal Identityepar, coedited with Kathrtment. Her work has appearyn West, for which ed in CriticalThe Woman Warrior An excellent compilation of quality essays.ARBAand Assistant H e at Missouri State University where she is professor Insights: American Multiculturui Sin Far (Edith Eaton). Dr. Moser has edited and she contributed an essay on Semembrance (UP of , 2003). Edited by Linda Trinh Moser by Maxine Hong Kingstonand Kathryn Westintroduced the work of Onoto Watanna in Me: A Book of Rritings (U of Inglish at Bllinois Pellarmine Mississippi, 1997) and A Half Caste and Other eparWtment of Eentieth- and twenty-rst-Kathryn West is professor and chair of the Dentucky. She teaches primarily tws literature, and womens and gender studies.This volume features international scholars revisiting long-standing debates about authenticity, genre, University in Louisville, Kcentury American literature, womenWith Linda Tr. Moser, she edited Critical Iherman Alexiensights: American Ms \x1fe Absolutely ulticulturTrue Diary of a Also with D rinh Moser, Dr. West edited Contemporary Literature, 1970 to Pal Identityresent, for . Part-Time Indian. She is coauthor of Women Writers in the United States: A Timeline ofand identity in the text, as well as pushing forward into little explored contexts, such as transnationalism, which she contributed an essay on SLiterary, Cultural, and Social Holume:istory (Oxford, 1994). Among the essays in this v mythopoesis, diaspora, and relational selfhood. Additional essays compare Kingstons masterwork to other DKingston and Meliberately Forgetting: \x1eaya Angeloue Inv bention of Uy David Borman nnamed Ancestors in Maxine Hong\x1eJere Meyother Westoeaning and Self-Armation through Stories: Existentialism and \x1f es Mver ark on the Daughters Speech in \x1fe Woman Warrior byCreating M W arriorTellings:, b y Alex P\x1fe WomaninnonWarrior and Kingstons Transformational Genres r key ethnic American writings by authors such as Amy Tan, Maya Angelou, and Lan Cao.Tof the Real by Elizabeth Rodrigues CRITICAL Womananduths INSIGHTSNovember 2016 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-394-7 | Library Price: $105Twaco kUennsivaecrks iNtyJP0l7a6z0a1, Suite 310 Wuthering HeightsS Wuthering Heights, by Emily BrontNEW! Fall 2025H PARLEESMSP Fahxo:n 2e0: 1 2-0916-89-6085-101500By Emily Bront Wuthering Heights unadorned depiction of the darker side of love, exploring mental and physical cruelty, made it controversial when it was published, as did its unflattering portrayal of Victorian morality and Englands class system. This volume helps readers engage with Emily Bronts masterpiece, shedding new light on the novels complexities, while comparative analyses uncover intriguing parallels and contrasts between Wuthering Heights and other works. PRINTED IN September 2025 | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-126-8 | Library Price: $105NEW!FULL COLOR FREE All Critical Insights titles come with free online access Online AccessFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 42 2024-12-12 12:25PM'