b'Literature CRITICAL INSIGHTS: WORKS39The Odyssey, by HomerNearly exhaustive in its embrace of approaches, the volume is marked by an authenticity, balance,and relevance that will impress even the strictest classicists. Highly recommended. CHOICE LITERATUREWith its emphasis on strange adventures, personal challenges, and the celebration of enduring marital love, The Odyssey relates to all generations of readers from the ancient Greeks to present day. This volume explores the themes, structure, artistry, influence, and critical reception of one of the most important works ever composed.September 2019 | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-271-0 | Library Price: $105 BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!Of Mice and Men, by John SteinbeckAny student. will benefit from the insights and explanations of the text provided here. ARBAWritten by leading Steinbeck scholars, this volume provides a rich array of fresh perspectives and valuable information on this short but beloved text. Essay topics cover the masculine psyche, alienation and the plight of migrants, and consider why this novel is still studied today. CRITICAL INSIGHTS: WORKSMay 2017 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-266-7 | Library Price: $105The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest HemingwayOffers different ways to approach this timeless work, to enrich a readers understanding. The Hemingway ReviewErnest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea was a late work in this important writers long career, one of the last published during his lifetime. An unusually brief novel, this book has been discussed in connection to Hemingways own life, with the author himself often being compared to the old man of the title. This volume offers a wide range of approaches to the text, exploring it in terms of history, psychology, sociology, andartistic achievement.June 2022 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-345-9 | Library Price: $105On the Road, by Jack KerouacThis volume makes clear that, even as we enter the era of the electric car, Kerouacs book will continueto inspire road trips far into the future. Against the GrainJack Kerouacs On the Road is one of the most famous works produced by a so-called beat writer. Initially attacked for its celebration of seemingly free-spirited attitudes and behavior, On the Road has lately been criticized for its allegedly outdated views, especially involving women. This volume examines why On the Road remained popular for decades afterBEST SELLER!it was published, why it has been the target of strong criticism, and how that criticism has changed over the years. April 2022 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-525-8 | Library Price: $105One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, by Ken Kesey Ken Keseys pivotal novel tackled ideas of institutionalization in a time when mental illness was highly stigmatized. Essays in this volume survey the novels critical reception, compare Cuckoos Nest to The Grapes of Wrath, and examine themes such as race, gender roles, and early American humor.September 2015 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-830-3 | Library Price: $105One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garca MrquezLatin Americas most famous novel and an overnight sensation when it was published in 1967, it remains a perennial favorite of readers around the world. The works strange, mesmerizing blend of the real and the fabulous introduced the world to magical realism and has inspired countless writers.October 2010 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-709-2 | Library Price: $105Othello, by William Shakespeare Othello has long been considered (along with Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth) one of Shakespeares four greatest works of tragedy. Recently, however, Othello has taken on a special interest, partly because it deals so intriguingly with such issues as gender, race, and class. This volume explores Othello from numerous points of view, paying special attention to such matters as history, aesthetics, and various important productions, especially on film.May 2021 | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-998-6 | Library Price: $105The Outsiders, by S.E. HintonThis volume celebrates Hintons groundbreaking novel about teenaged greasers by exploring concepts of The Other, the portrait of Ponyboy Curtis as an artist, and The Outsiders as a postmodern work. While the novel is often recognized for its maturation themes and its novelty as a young adult work, it also explores ideas such as free will vs. determinism and the definition of heroism.April 2018 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-686-3 | Library Price: $105Paradise Lost, by John MiltonAn excellent volume of insight and research on this epic and important piece of literature. ARBAParadise Lost is widely regarded as one of the most influential poems in the English language. This volume looks at Miltons epic from many different critical and theoretical perspectives and offers students and researchers multiple ways of engaging with a writer whom many critics consider the equal of William Shakespeare. February 2019 | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-024-2 | Library Price: $105 FREE Online Access All Critical Insights titles come with free online accessFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 39 2024-12-12 12:25PM'