b'38 CRITICAL INSIGHTS: WORKS LiteratureBEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! Macbeth, by William ShakespeareProvides the necessary context to make an enduring classic accessible to students.ARBAEssay topics include consciousness, conscience, and madness in Macbeth and the lasting influence of LITERATUREthe play. The volume discusses the work on stage and screen and look at themes of environmentalism, nationalism, and witchcraft in one of Shakespeares most popular plays.November 2017 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-563-7 | Library Price: $105The Merchant Of Venice, by William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeares most often performedbut also most controversialdramas. Technically a comedy, the play has dark, even tragic, overtones. Its most memorable character, Shylock, is also its apparent villain. This volume explores the play from many different points of view while seeking to understand why this work generates such strong admiration, fascination, and disagreement.CRITICAL INSIGHTS: WORKSDecember 2022 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-430-2 | Library Price: $105The Metamorphosis, by Franz KafkaThis volume includes a biography which warns that, although The Metamorphosis is considered to be semi-autobiographical, it is ultimately a work of imagination. Other essays include a discussion of structure, cultural, and historical contexts, Kafkas metaphor for extreme alienation, and a survey of the works critical reception.September 2011 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-840-2 | Library Price: $105CRITICAL CRITICALINSIGHTS Midnights Children, by Salman RushdieKuortti Midnights Children INSIGHTSEdited by Jrofessor of Contemporar tant books, including \x1fe Salman RushdieMidnights Children Midnights Children marked a change in the global literary scene, inaugurating a heightened interest inAdjunct P oel Kuortti, Professor of Ey Cnglish at the Uulture at the Univniversity of ersity of JTuryvku, and also askyla, Finland. He has published a number of imporBibliogrTense Praphy, Pesent: lace of the SWomen acrWriting in Eed: the Rhetoric of the Snglish. Professor Katanic uorVerses Aairtti has co-edited sev, and Tense eral Past, books, including Changing Worlds/Changing Nations: the Concept of Nation in the Transnational Era, and has contributed to a number of literary anthologies andby Salman Rushdiejournals. Edited by Joel Kuortti writings from formerly colonized countries. In its richness, full with magical realistic depiction and historio-Among the essays in this vUnder Scralman Rutiny: ushdie to ArMidnightolume:s Childrundhati Ren and Ioy: Its Cssues of Continuity in Iritics, Joel Kuortti ndian Fiction in FErom S ral Narrative in Parwahostmodern Historiograhy: A Reading of Midnightsgraphical narration, Rushdies novel became a trendsetter. The essays in this volume discuss topics such nglish, Anuradha M Indian OChildren, Manda M. Se Parmaossibility of Ethical Deconstruction in Midnights asal Connections: \x1fNChildren, Tuomas Huttunenas ethics, nationalism, translation, and the culture of globalization.February 2014 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-389-6 | Library Price: $105A Midsummer Nights Dream, by William ShakespeareTwo UniversityP0l7a6z0a1, Suite 310 S PARLEESMS Shakespeares most loved comedy, this intricately structured drama employs a rich range of poetry and Hackensack NJPahxo:n 2e0: 12-0916-89-6085-101500 F prose to juxtapose fairies and mortals, fantasy and reality, reason and madness. This volume offers fresh perspectives on its complex form, rich language, key themes and reinterpretations in light of twenty-first century concerns about gender, harassment, social division, and trauma.CRITICAL CRITICALFebruary 2020 | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-381-6 | Library Price: $105INSIGHTSR Hober niversity at Montgomery.Evans INSIGHTSt Evans is I.B. Young Penaissance literaturrofessor of English at Ae, pluralist literare is the r y, women writers,Moby-Dick Moby-Dick Moby-Dick, by Herman Melvilleand literatur uburn Uy theorecipient of is specialties include Rmany awards, most re of the nineteenth and twecently Professor of the entieth centuries. HYear by the South Atlantic Association of Departments of English. He is the author or editor of nearly 30 books, and has authored roughly 300 published or forolume: by Brian Yothers by Herman Melvillethcoming essays.Among the essays in this v s Reading in Moby-Dick, by Robert Klevonathan A. Cookay Edited by Robert C. Evans Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick is a vast epic that combines deep philosophy and high adventure as well as \x1fe Critics and the Whale,\x1f y-Dick and Nshmaelineteenth-Centurts to Cy Nreativatural He Students in a Nistory, by Jew Century, byMobe Limits of ITeaching M WallaceRobert K. elville and the Ar rich comedy and profound tragedy. Containing numerous essays by many prominent Melville scholars, the book places Melville and his epic novel in their various historical contexts while also showing how the novel continues to be relevant and powerful today. September 2014 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-405-3 | Library Price: $105Two Un2 ersiNtyJP0l7a6z0a1, Suite 310 S PARLEESMS Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia WoolfH nsiva0c1k- 968-0500Phaocnkee: Fax: 201-968-0511Original essays present an overview of Mrs. Dalloway, the works origins and composition, an analysis of the world events and social conditions that provide context for the work, the connections between Mrs. Dalloway and Toni Morrisons Sula, and discuss Woolfs efforts to create a new form of the novel appropriate for a new age.CRITICALSeptember 2011 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-841-9 | Library Price: $105INSIGHTSNative Son, by Richard WrightNEW! Spring 2025Native SonWrights groundbreaking novel shifted the perception of what it means to be black in modern America By Richard Wright in such a profound way that it remains part of the landscape of race relations to this day. Wrights perceptive characterization and narrative skill draw readers into a world where its protagonist could not have escaped his tragic fate. This volume gives readers an entry point into this major literary and social text to illuminate the past and speak to Native Sons current relevance and beyond.PRINTED INFULL COLOR March 2025 | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-138-1 | Library Price: $105 NEW!Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George OrwellA good foundation for understanding the novel. Recommended. ARBAIn his dystopian masterpiece, Orwell deftly weaves a haunting narrative with unforgettable characters and enduring motifsBig Brother is always watching. This volume helps readers understand the literary and historical importance of Orwells final and finest novel, as well as its ongoing relevance to contemporary readers.October 2016 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-118-9 | Library Price: $105 FREE eBooks are also available - visit www.salempress.com for more information All Critical Insights titles come with free online access Online AccessFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 38 2024-12-12 12:25PM'