b'Literature CRITICAL INSIGHTS: WORKS37The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!This volume surveys the critical reception of Tans works, and considers the structure, narration, style, and themes of Joy Luck, comparing them with Michael Cunninghams The Hours. Essays also examine traditionalLITERATUREChinese beliefs in the novel, compare Joy Luck to The Kitchen Gods Wife, and provide two author interviews.October 2009 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-626-2 | Library Price: $105Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare Dealing with one of the most significant events in the history of Rome, the assassination of Julius Caesar and the subsequent end of the Roman Republic, the play has been performed and filmed numerous times. This volume examines the play from many different perspectives, including historical, aesthetic, and comparative points of view, among others, to add to the ongoing lively conversation the play has always stimulated. BEST SELLER! CRITICAL INSIGHTS: WORKSDecember 2021 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-067-0 | Library Price: $105King Lear, by William ShakespeareThis volume considers the historical background of Shakespeares play, as well as close readings of several key passages that distinguish differences between the first published version and revisions in the Folio version of 1623. Other essays discuss popular and critical responses and contrast Lear with Marlowes Tamburlaine.September 2011 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-839-6 | Library Price: $105The Kite Runner, by Khaled HosseiniThe Kite Runner combines a moving narrative, memorable characters, powerful depictions of suffering and guilt, an urgent quest for redemption, and the complex relationship of Afghanistan and American culture. Essays in this volume look afresh at this remarkable work, its critical reception, its style, structure and themes, its mythical, moral, historical and political dimensions, and its continued relevance in the twenty-first century.June 2020 | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-377-9 | Library Price: $105Life of Pi, by Yann MartelYann Martels 2001 novel Life of Pi earned him the Man Booker Prize and also served as the basis for the critically acclaimed 2012 movie of the same title. The essays featured in this volume survey the novels critical reception, discussing topics ranging from narrative techniques through religion and philosophy to the cultural role of zoos, and also provide a brief introduction to the authors life and work.September 2020 | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-667-1 | Library Price: $105Little Women, by Louisa May AlcottThought-provoking analyses of one of the truly great works of American fiction. Recommended. ARBALittle Women paved the way for a new form of literature, changing the conversation regarding a womens journey from childhood to womanhood. This volume surveys the critical conversation regarding Alcotts achievement from all standard critical perspectives: social, gender-based, postmodern, psychological, and cultural.May 2015 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-427-5 | Library Price: $105Lolita, by Vladimir NabokovThis compilation of critical essays examines the controversy behind Lolitas reception, Humbert Humberts role as an unreliable narrator, connections to Nabokovs other works, and comparisons to the 1962 film adaptation.March 2016 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-846-4 | Library Price: $105Lord of the Flies, by William GoldingBEST SELLER!New and innovative explorations.ARBAThis volume explores the novels initial critical reception, the moral issues it raises, its film adaptations, and the ways in which commentary about the novel has evolved. Additional essays explore the ways the novel has been received on both sides of the Atlantic and examine its themes, characters, and structures from a diversity of critical perspectives. ONLIBOO E CRITICAL CRITICALVIEW THIS K INSIGHTSN EvansSeptember 2017 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-567-5 | Library Price: $105 R https://online.salempress.com The Lord ofthe Rings INSIGHTSontgomer Young Professor of English at Aded emeritus status upon uburn University atThe LordThe Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. TolkienMober S t C. Eyv, wherans was I. B. e he taught since 1982 and was awar d,of the Ringshis retirement in 2021. istinguished RWhile at AesearUM he rch Professor, Dh.D. fristinguished om Princeton UTeaching Pnivand was named D rofessor eceived the Faculty Excellence Awarrofessorersity, fello e he held om the N . He receivwships. Hed his Pis research has been supported by and University Alumni PWeaver and ewberry Library (twice), the American Council of Learned wherwships fr Whiting felloHocieties, the F by J.R.R. Tolkienuntington Librarolger Sy, the Nhakespearational Ee Librarndoy (twice), the Mwment for the Hellon Fumanities, the American oundation, the Philosophical Society, and the UCLohn DA Center for Monne Varioredievum Eal and Rdition, and author or editor enaissance Studies.Edited by Robert C. EvansHe is a contributing editor to the JJ.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings quickly became one of the most popular and influential novels of theof approximately 60 books on such topics as early modern women writers, pluralistSliterary theory, twentieth-century American writers, Shakespeare, and seventeenth-century Etlantic Association of DCouth A nglish literature. Most reparecently he was named Ptments of English, and in 2020 he won the Erofessor of the Year by the ugene urrent-Garcia Distinguished Scholar Award.twentieth century. It inspired not just one film but a series of well-received movies that brought TolkiensAmong the essays in this volume: eForrestSpeak Memory: Some Biographical Sources of The Lord of the RingsPby Nancy Buntingity, Mream of Malice, and Agency in by John R. Holmesusic: The ErTendilolkien Poem in s SubcrThe Loreation bd of the Ringsy Matthew M. Dhighly imaginative fantasy epic to life on the big screen. This volume discusses the novel from numerousA D eople of FirTe and olkien RTolkieneaders S bouthern Races in y Franco Manni The Lord of the RingsThe Emotions of a Mbythic Py Larry Swainpoints of view, employing biographical, historical, cultural, mythic, and aesthetic approaches, among others.January 2022 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-071-7 | Library Price: $1054 2, PO Box 56A9m1e9n Riao NutYe21782590-81700 | 800-562-2139 S PARLEESMSPFahxo:n 8e4: 55-1387-3-6360 FREE wwwwwgsareleymhopuressesccoomm b booookkss@@gsraelyehmopursees.sc.ocmomOnline Access All Critical Insights titles come with free online access wFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 37 2024-12-12 12:25PM'