b'34 CRITICAL INSIGHTS: WORKS LiteratureCatch-22, by Joseph HellerCatch-22 was published in 1961, becoming a number-one bestseller in England before American audiences identified with its anti-war sentiments, earning it classic status and prompting a film version in 1970.LITERATURECatch-22 is appreciated for its black humor, extensive use of flashbacks, contorted chronology, BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! countercultural sensibilities, and bizarre language structures. With current trends and political climate considered, this volume revisits this classic text for a contemporary audience. October 2021 | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-996-2 | Library Price: $105The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. SalingerThe essays in this volume offer an examination of the iconic novels impact over time, and include discussions of the reach of Salingers influence, Catchers tumultuous history, and the culture and politics of the postwar era.September 2011 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-837-2 | Library Price: $105CRITICAL INSIGHTS: WORKSThe Color Purple, by Alice WalkerThe Color Purple is one of the most celebrated and influential novels of recent American and African American literature. It explored important issues of race and gender at a time when these topics were less widely studied than they are today. This volume examines Walkers work from many different vantage points, including biographical, historical, sociological, cultural, and aesthetic points of view.March 2022 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-069-4 | Library Price: $105Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky NEW! Dostoevskys masterpiece is at once a gripping intellectual mystery and a compelling detective story as well as an exceptionally probing and thought-provoking work full of philosophical, political, and theological dimensions. This volume explores the numerous ways the novel has been interpreted, adapted, and valued in the more than a century-and-a-half since it first appeared in print. PRINTED IN February 2024 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-730-3 | Library Price: $105FULL COLOR NEW!The Crucible, by Arthur Miller This collection of critical essays is marvelous and, surprisingly, quite the page-turner. Each analysis reminds the reader why The Crucible is a classic of the theater and a play that will be studied and performed for generations to come.The Arthur Miller JournalThis volume offers diverse perspectives on one of Arthur Millers most popular, controversial, and frequently staged plays. The volume situates the play within many different contextshistorical, critical, literary, biographical, social, cultural, and others.March 2018 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-684-9 | Library Price: $105Death of a Salesman, by Arthur MillerEssays in this volume include an examination of Death of a Salesman in the context of literary naturalism and monetary theory, as well as an in-depth analysis of Willys comparison of Biff to Hercules. Other essays look at the differences between dream and reality while also considering the competing dreams of the Loman family.October 2009 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-610-1 | Library Price: $105The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne FrankI highly recommend this resource for all libraries.ARBAThis volume highlights the continued relevance and poignancy of The Diary of a Young Girl. The Diary is contextualized with contemporary and WWII diaries, blogging, notions of childhood, adolescence, and gender. It explores the Diarys diverse and dynamic representations in comics, theater, TV, YouTube, and in the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam.March 2017 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-262-9 | Library Price: $105Dracula, by Bram StokerBEST SELLER! Overview essays examine the literary history of the vampire and the critical reception of Stokers mostfamous work. Other essays offer a psychological examination of sacred rituals within the novel, and combine Marxist, feminist, and postcolonialist readings into a discussion of race, capitalism, and aesthetics.October 2009 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-612-5 | Library Price: $105Fahrenheit 451, by Ray BradburyThis volume fully examines the historical and cultural context of Fahrenheit 451. Other chapters explore Bradburys creation and reworking of the story and issues, such as memory, love, morality, domesticity, intellectual property, censorship, and the appeal of Fahrenheit 451 in other media.December 2013 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-224-0 | Library Price: $105 FREE eBooks are also available - visit www.salempress.com for more information All Critical Insights titles come with free online access Online AccessFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 34 2024-12-12 12:25PM'