b'26 CRITICAL INSIGHTS: AUTHORS LiteratureBEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! Robert FrostEssays bring together a wide range of approaches to Frosts poetry. He was admired as homey and straightforward when modernist writing was often obscure; as a nature poet, an authentically American LITERATUREwriter, when many modernists were cosmopolitan expatriates; and as an optimistic New England sage when his leading contemporaries produced dark, apocalyptic visions.October 2009 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-636-1 | Library Price: $105CRITICAL Neil Gaiman BEST SELLER! Neil GaimanINSIGHTS CritiCalichiganSommers iNsiGhts A fascinating collection of essays. ARBAJoseph Michael Sommers is Associate Py Anglophone literaturrofessor of Eens and ynglish at Central Moung adult literaturudy Be, visual narrativlume; Stan Lee; Rober Neil GaimanUniversity where he teaches courses in childrk on figureil Gaiman. Oves such as Jer the past sevy ladyeral ys journalism; the ears, SommersEdited by Joseph Michael Sommerscourses in modern and contemporar, N es, and ell as t e as wpopular culture. He publishes wore of childhood in nineteenth-centur One of the most prolific and award-winning writers of prose spanning comics and graphic novels to feature-Kirkman; and, not coincidentallyhas written on the culturmaturation of Marvel Comics characters in the post-9/11 moment; Hellboy amongst Twilightelungeon people; dialogism in Bthe M ore recently, he has written on Christopher Nwisradbur Narynias F, posthumanism in ahrenheit 451olans ; and, of course, The DTheark Knight Walking,D evisionar. My examination of C. S. Le ntersection of Work of AVideo lan a read r deology in thelength films and television serials, Neil Gaiman is as popular with critics as he is with readers. The essays in M , and several book-length collections, such as Sexual Issays on the Ir ress, 2012 and 2013 for oore (Wely), ith inemaTThe Aodd Comer),(with Gmerican Comic Bookretchen PGame on, Hapazian) (both M (SollywoodEalem/ Grey Hersity PcFouse Parland Press of Mess, 2014), and the ississippi). G espectivames and Cthcoming Conversations with Neil Gaiman (UnivAmong the essays in this volume: ulie P ok in WAomenmerican Gs Roles inods this volume trace the work of the author from the little-known comic, The Sandman, through The Graveyard In the Shadow of Balder: Breaking the Cycle of Ragnarediation and erino y Kristin BovONbpening the DC eil Gaimans ooraird-Abboossing the e and ntimacy and ESWtarall: (Rdust be) My Jmpathy: A Rhetorical Analysis ofrafting Advocacy thrNev, Cerwherrough ICRITICAL INSIGHTS: AUTHORSGAnnette leasures: Neil Gaimans Books for Children for Adults by Book and look at his novels for adults and children.uilty Peading Agency LecturThe R e by Kristin McIlhaggaWannamakerDecember 2016 | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-260-5 | Library Price: $105Twaock Ue:n s2a0 F erks iNtyJP0l7a6z0a1, Suite 310 S ParleeSmS Gabriel Garc aMrquez H nivc1Pahxo:n 2e01-968-0511-968-0500This collection of essays introduces the reader to the life and works of this Nobel Prize-winning author. With a biographical sketch and a wide range of critical analyses, this volume reaches far into Garca Mrquezs oeuvre and offers a panoramic view of its principal motifs and obsessions. October 2009 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-634-7 | Library Price: $105Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy is universally regarded as one of the most important novelists and poets of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His works often reflectedand helped to create and reinforcea relatively dark vision of human life, a vision highly characteristic of his era. This volume explores numerous works by Hardy from a rich variety of perspectives. Essays examine his writings by relating them to history, philosophy, sociology, economics, gender, and, especially, aesthetics.August 2021 | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-002-1 | Library Price: $105Nathaniel HawthorneEach essay is a valuable starting point for studying Hawthornes work and for suggesting avenues for further exploration. Hawthornes critical and theoretical approaches, biography, psychology, and his historical andliterary contexts are discussed, alongside his themes of mythology, politics, and theology, sin and Providence, the genres in which he wrote, and the shape of his career as a whole.October 2009 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-604-0 | Library Price: $105Robert A. Heinlein Considered the Dean of Science Fiction, Robert A. Heinlein helped define speculative fiction as a serious form of social, political, and cultural commentary during the mid-20th century. Titles discussed in this volume include the novels, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Stranger in a Strange Land, and Podkayne of Mars, as wellas a variety of Heinleins short stories and early pulp magazine appearances. October 2015 | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-826-6 | Library Price: $105Lillian HellmanEssays address the controversial theme of lesbianism and the roles of good and evil in her most famous BEST SELLER! work, The Childrens Hour. Other essays address the accuracy of the portrayal of the Civil War in The Little Foxes, a commentary on the comparison of Toys in the Attic to the plays of Tennessee Williams and the influence of the Cold War on Hellmans playwriting and politics.September 2011 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-829-7 | Library Price: $105Ernest HemingwayThe shadow Ernest Hemingway casts over American literature is nothing less than colossal. Widely imitated, his distinctive prose revolutionized American writing and deeply influenced an entire generation.This volume brings together a wide variety of criticism on major works like The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Old Man and the Sea, and Hemingways most widely read and anthologized short stories.October 2009 | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-630-9 | Library Price: $105Langston HughesEssays survey the critical reception of Hughes work and explore the cultural and historical contexts and key themes in his works. Other essays explore topics like Hughes relations to the Harlem Renaissance, his portrayal of women and families, and his depictions of racial violence.September 2012 | Print ISBN: 978-1-4298-3724-8 | Library Price: $105 FREE All Critical Insights titles come with free online access Online AccessFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 26 2024-12-12 12:24PM'