b'18 PLOTS, CHARACTERS & PLACES LiteratureMasterplots Fourth Edition & 2010-2018 SupplementFamiliar to generations of college freshmen sweating through Major British Authors 101giving readers a who/what/where/when/why account Coverage is both broad and deep;LITERATUREone may find entries from the mists of antiquity up to and including contemporary worksBOTTOM LINE. A classic in its own right, comparable to little else in scope and authority currently on the market. Highly recommended for all public and academic libraries.Library JournalMasterplots and the Masterplots 2010-2018 Supplement, combined, provide fundamental reference data, plot synopses, and critical evaluations of the most important literary works in all genres throughout BEST SELLER! history and around the world. In selecting titles, the editors considered classroom curricula at both high school and college levels, as well as the broader context of literary culture both within and beyond North America. All essays open with the type of work, the author, and the date of first publication. PLOTS, CHARACTERS & PLACESFor all works of fiction, the opening section also provides information on the Type of Plot, Time of Plot, and Locale. In addition, entries for most works of fiction include a section entitled Principal Characters, which lists the works main characters, along with brief descriptions. In the time-honored Masterplots style, essays provide several categories of information: the opening reference data; Principal Characters; The Story or The Poem; Critical Evaluation; and Further Reading. Masterplots is a classic reference work that students and readers have relied on for more than sixty years.Masterplots: Fourth Edition November 2010 | 2,200 Essays; Twelve Volumes; 7,316 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-58765-568-5 | Library Price: $1,200Masterplots: 2010-2018 Supplement December 2018 | 200 Essays; Two Volumes; 595 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-032-7 | Library Price: $225Combo Price: Masterplots: 2010-2018 Supplement and Masterplots, Fourth Edition Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-310-7 | Library Price: $1,325 FREE Online AccessFREECyclopedia of Literary CharactersBEST SELLER! This is the place to turn when looking for information about a character from imaginative literature of the Western world.Reference Reviews, Gale GroupFourth Edition. This five-volume set examines more than 29,000 major characters from 3,500 important works of literature. These character descriptions can be used alone to begin researching character development and motivation in a novel, and can also be used as a starting place for analyzing a play or novel and its authors writing style and technique. Articles are arranged alphabetically by book title and begin with information about the author and the book, including each books title, authors name with birth and death years, date of first publication, genre, locale, time of action, and plot type. The characters are arranged by order of importance within each article. The central or key characters receive lengthy descriptions; supporting and minor figures receive less extensive treatment. Books by a given author that are commonly are studied together are treated in a single article, allowing the user to study character development across titles. Three indexes are found at the back of volume 5, and are designed to help the user more readily access the text: Title Index, Author Index, and an alphabeticalFREECharacter Index that lists the more than 29,000 characters described, using last names if those appear Online Access in the original works, or using first names or descriptions. FREEFebruary 2015 | Five Volumes; 3,054 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-497-8 | Library Price: $495Cyclopedia of Literary PlacesLibraries that serve high school juniors and seniors and English literature undergraduates may wish to purchase for beginning literature studies students. Highly recommended. ARBASecond Edition. Cyclopedia of Literary Places provides an in-depth analysis of the use of place in over 1,400 literary works. Joining the Masterplots family of literary reference, it completes the foundation of sources for the three primary approaches to literary criticism: story (Masterplots), character (Cyclopedia of Literary Characters), and setting. In total, over 6,000 places are covered. Titles that have been selected are those that best lend themselves to meaningful discussion of place as a literary device. Each article provides the full title of the work, the authors name and vital dates, type of work, type of plot, time of plot, and date of original publication. A brief introductory paragraph explains where the work is set and comments on themes and patterns in the works use of place. Discussions within the entries focus on how places are used as literary devices within the novels, plays, or poems in whichFREEthey appear.Online AccessFREE April 2016 | Three Volumes; 1,216 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-884-6 | Library Price: $395GET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 18 2024-12-12 12:24PM'