b'14 DRAMA, READERS ADVISORY LiteratureMagills Literary Annual, 2024 NEW!Patrons who say theyve read everything will be an especially appreciative audience for the LITERATUREannotated contents list, which offers quick ideas for new reads.Library JournalMagills Literary Annual, 2024 offers 150 reviews of significant fiction and nonfiction published in the past 12 months.The philosophy behind our selection process is to cover works that are likely to be of interest to general readers, that are written by authors being taught in literature programs, and that will stand the test of time.Every essay-review is approximately four pages in length. The text of each independently-written review analyzes and presents the focus, intent, and relative success of the author, as well as the makeup and point of view of the work under discussion. The essay-reviews in the Annual provide a more academic and authoritative review of a work than is typically found in newspapers and other ephemeral sources. By filtering down the thousands of DRAMA, READERS ADVISORYbooks published each year to 150 notable titles, the editors have provided the busy librarian with an excellent readers advisory tool, and patrons with new options for book discussion groups and a guide for choosing worthwhile reading material. FREEApril 2024 | Two Volumes; 715 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-806-5 | Library Price: $210Online Access NEW! FREEBEST SELLER! Critical Survey of DramaThe most extensive and comprehensive available. Highly recommended. ARBAA comprehensive work of extraordinary value. It is easy to read, informative,and engaging. School Library JournalThis third edition contains 638 in-depth essays574 discuss individual dramatists and 64 cover important overview topics that are critical to the study of drama as a whole. Dramatist essays open with a list of the playwrights major dramatic works, professional achievements and awards, an extended biographical sketch that centers on the individuals development as a dramatist, and an extensive critical analysis of the writers major dramatic works. Volume 1 begins with 100 Overview essays that provide an important introduction to dramatic traditions around the world, as well as various genres and techniques. These informative essays provide thoughtful insight into the study of African American Drama, American Regional Theater, Deaf Theater, Experimental Theater, Feminist Theater, LGBTQ Theater, Melodrama, Musical Drama, Native American Drama, Political Theater, and much more.FREEDecember 2017 | Eight Volumes; 4,299 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-622-1 | Library Price: $599Online AccessFREEBEST SELLER! Recommended Reading:600 Classics Reviewed RECOMMENDED READING 600 Classics ReviewedPublic and school libraries should purchase this for students and book-discussion groups that are looking for recommended reading lists. Booklist Second Edition. This volume covers noteworthy works that continue to hold the interest of readers year after year. With coverage of 100 more titles than the 1995 edition, each concise review approaches one work of literaturefiction, nonfiction, poetry, or drama. Reviews begin Second Edition with the title, author, date of first publication, type of work, and a brief abstract of the books RECOMMENDED content or impact. In the library, Recommended Reading is an excellent tool for readers advisory, to help readers find books that match their interests, to refresh their memories about books read READING long ago, or to give an impression of how additional books by an author relate to a recently read T S 600 Classics Reviewed or studied work.Hwaock Uennsivaecrks iNtyJP0l7a6z0a1, Suite 310 ParleeSmSPahxo:n 2e0: 12-0916-89-6085-101500 October 2015 | One Volume; 400 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-867-9 | Library Price: $125F FREE Online AccessFREEeBooks are also available - visit www.salempress.com for more informationGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 14 2024-12-12 12:24PM'