b'130 TITLES TITLE Page TITLE PageThe 1900s in America 84 Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore: Creation Myths .13The 1910s in America 84 Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore: Deadly Battles & Warring Enemies .13The 2000s in America 85 Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore: Legendary Creatures .11The 2010s in America 85 Critical Survey of Poetry .16Addictions, Substance Abuse & Alcoholism.127 Critical Survey of Science Fiction & Fantasy Literature 16Adolescent Health & Wellness .121 Critical Survey of Shakespeares Film Adaptations. 8Aging .127 Critical Survey of Shakespeares Plays & Sonnets 8American First Ladies 88 Critical Survey of Short Fiction.17American Presidents .88 Critical Survey of World Literature.17Ancient Creatures 113 Critical Survey of Young Adult Literature .16The Ancient World .75 Cyclopedias of Literary Characters & Literary Places 18Applied Science .112 Defining Documents: The 17th Century 75The Bill of Rights 86 Defining Documents: The 18th Century 74Biomes & Ecosystems .113 Defining Documents: The 1900s 69Cancer .123 Defining Documents: The 1910s 68Careers: Paths to Entrepreneurship 101 Defining Documents: The 1920s 68Careers in Archaeology & Museum Services .99 Defining Documents: The 1930s 67Careers in Artificial Intelligence .97 Defining Documents: The 1950s 66Careers in the Arts: Fine, Performing & Visual .98 Defining Documents: The 1960s 66Careers in the Automotive Industry .96 Defining Documents: The 1970s 66Careers in Biology100 Defining Documents: The 1980s 65Careers in Biotechnology .92 Defining Documents: The 19th Century 74Careers in Building Construction .96 Defining Documents: The 20th Century 74Careers in Business .102 Defining Documents: American Citizenship .60Careers in Chemistry .100 Defining Documents: The American Economy 62Careers in Criminal Justice 93 Defining Documents: The American Revolution 70Careers in Culinary Arts 95 Defining Documents: American West .69Careers in Cybersecurity 97 Defining Documents: Ancient World .75Careers in Earth Sciences 94 Defining Documents: Asia 74Careers in Education & Training 99 Defining Documents: Business Ethics 62Careers in Engineering 100 Defining Documents: Capital Punishment 64Careers in Environment & Conservation .94 Defining Documents: Censorship 58Careers in Financial Services .102 Defining Documents: Civil Rights 63Careers in Fish & Wildlife 94 Defining Documents: Civil War.69Careers in Forensic Science. 93 Defining Documents: The Cold War 66Careers in Gaming .98 Defining Documents: Conservatism 58Careers in Green Energy .94 Defining Documents: The Constitution .60Careers in Healthcare. .91 Defining Documents: Dissent & Protest. .63Careers in Heavy Equipment Operation, Maintenance & Repair .95 Defining Documents: Domestic Terrorism & Extremism 61Careers in Human Services 92 Defining Documents: Drug Policy 64Careers in Illustration & Animation 98 Defining Documents: The Emergence of Modern America 69Careers in Information Technology .97 Defining Documents: Environment & Conservation 65Careers in Intelligence & National Security 93 Defining Documents: Espionage & Intrigue 62Careers in Manufacturing & Production .96 Defining Documents: Exploration & Colonial America 70Careers in Mass Communication 101 Defining Documents: The First Amendment 60Careers in Medical Technology91 Defining Documents: The Free Press 62Careers in the Music Industry 98 Defining Documents: Genocide & the Holocaust 73Careers in Nursing .92 Defining Documents: The Great Depression 67Careers in Physics .100 Defining Documents: The Great Migration .68Careers in Protective Services .93 Defining Documents: The Gun Debate 64Careers in Psychology & Behavioral Health .92 Defining Documents: Human Rights .72Careers in Public Administration .101 Defining Documents: Immigration & Immigrant Communities 65Careers in Sales, Insurance & Real Estate .102 Defining Documents: The Legacy of 9/11 .61Careers in Science & Engineering .100 Defining Documents: LGBTQ+ .63Careers in Social Media 97 Defining Documents: Liberalism 58Careers in Sports & Fitness 99 Defining Documents: Manifest Destiny & the New Nation .70Careers in Sports Medicine & Training .99 Defining Documents: Middle Ages 75Careers in Technical Services & Equipment Repair 96 Defining Documents: The Middle East 74Careers in Transportation .96 Defining Documents: Nationalism & Populism 73Careers in Travel & Adventure .95 Defining Documents: Native Americans .65Careers in Writing & Editing .101 Defining Documents: The Nuclear Age .72Careers Outdoors 95 Defining Documents: Pandemics, Plagues & Public Health .73Careers Overseas 101 Defining Documents: Political Campaigns, Candidates & Debates 64Careers Working with Animals .94 Defining Documents: Postwar 1940s 67Careers Working with Infants & Children 99 Defining Documents: Prison Reform .64Civil Rights Movements: Past & Present .53 Defining Documents: Reconstruction Era 69Community & Family Health Issues .126 Defining Documents: Religious Freedom & Religious Persecution.72Computer Technology Innovators .90 Defining Documents: Renaissance & Early Modern Era .75Countries, Peoples & Cultures .54 Defining Documents: Revolutions .72Countries: Their Wars & Conflicts 53 Defining Documents: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union 71The Criminal Justice System 86 Defining Documents: The Salem Witch Trials 59Critical Approaches to Literature.51 Defining Documents: Secrets, Leaks & Scandals 62Critical Insights: Authors .22-31 Defining Documents: Slavery .63Critical Insights: Film .51 Defining Documents: Supreme Court Decisions .63Critical Insights: Themes 43-50 Defining Documents: Treason 71Critical Insights: Works .32-42 Defining Documents: The Underground Railroad 59Critical Survey of American Literature 17 Defining Documents: United States Involvement in the Middle East 61Critical Survey of Drama .14 Defining Documents: The Vietnam War 66Critical Survey of Graphic Novels 19 Defining Documents: Voters Rights .60Critical Survey of Long Fiction .17 Defining Documents: Watergate 59Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore 11-13 Defining Documents: Womens Rights .73*New and Recent Titles in red2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 130 2024-12-12 12:29PM'