b'Health CANCER 123CancerNEW! Fall 2025 BEST SELLER!THIRD EDITION Third Edition PRINTED INFULL COLOREdited by Michael A. Buratovich, Ph.D.SALEM HEALTH CANCER This excellent book will be of interest to cancer patients and their caregivers, family members, and loved ones; nonprofessionals with a general interest in health; and biology, biochemistry, and premed students.Library JournalVolume 1 Very thorough and informative and would be of use to those recently diagnosed withDiseases, Symptoms & Conditions, A-O cancer, their loved ones, or students in health sciences programs. ARBASalem Health: Cancer is a comprehensive, easy-to-use resource designed for patients, friends, family, and anyone with an interest in cancer-related studies. Written by physicians, nurses, and professional medical writers, this important resource will also be of interest to public library patrons, pre-medical students, and those building collections for the patient population.This new third edition has been fully updated by our team of medical writers to make sure that the latest information about screening, treatments, procedures, and the latest pharmaceuticals are included.This set brings together over 800 new and updated entries that address diseases, conditions, symptoms, cancer-related syndromes, chemotherapy and other drugs and drug classes, cancer centers, genetics, the biology of cancer, medical specialties, tests, NEW! FREE procedures, complementary and alternative therapies, lifestyles, healthy and preventiveOnline Accessstrategies. Also addressed are the many social and personal issues surroundingFREEcancer, from cancers impact on minority populations to personal finances, insurance, personal relationships, and emotional coping.Diseases and Conditions: Essays list also known as names and describe related Cancer Biology: T-lymphocytesSalem Health: Cancer http://www.ibiology.org/bioseminars/genet- exposure to that microbe in a way that creates long-last-conditions, risk factors, the disease process, incidence, symptoms, screening and ics-gene-regulation.html ing immunity to a particular disease. Telomerase All cells have mark thater molecules ontheiras self surf cellsace that oract as a uniformidentifiesnon-self cells. Selfmarkers dothem cause an immune Mewww not trovi.geron.com/telomerase diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. wwwc, T., 2015. Telomeres and Cancer. Retrieved fromresponse a healthy person. vestimulate Non-self marker molecules, .news-medical.net/health/Telomeres-also called inaantigens, immuneandCancer.aspx action. Asdistincti featureofan the adapti vsysteme immune re- See also: Chromosomes and cancer system, every T-lymphoc yte de onlyvelopsunique receptor on its surfyteace or that B-lymphoc will interactwith a Carcinogens: Essays list also known as names for the chemical or substance, one highly specific non-self antigen. uT-lymphocytes Development: T-lymphocytes originate in bone that marro havwefrom hematopoietic stem cells, which are cellscancers related to the carcinogen, exposure routes, principal places where the Category: Cancer Biology the potential to differentiate T-lymphoc into ytesman leay difveferent the bone breast-bloodkinds mar of- Also known as: T-cells row and cells. trav Immatureel to the thymus, an organ behind maturation thepro-substance is found, populations at risk, symptoms to watch for, and a brief history of Definition: T-lymphocare white blood cells of thebone. + has the CD8go atypescomplicated of Tace-lymphoc and isytes. aadaptive immune systemytes thathelpfight disease. Therecess that Here results theyinunder 2 major on its surf called One typeproteinCD8entimmunesystem functions: cytotoxicytes T -lymphoc fer-thesecell. The In other carries thethese CD4 protein and is called how we came to identify the substance as a carcinogen. areseveralsubgroups of T-lymphoc with difytes a CD4+ cell.addition proteins,every receptor(CTLs),a differenttoT-cell-specific antigen one ofregulatory helper T-lymphocytes, ytes,andtumormemory-infiltrating T-lymphoc T-lymytes,-on itscellssurface. has T-lymphoc marker moleculesytes that de onv elophealth antigeny tissue recep cells-T-lymphocphocytes (TILs). TILs can be manipulated in the labora- tors that bind before tothey leave the thymus so as not to harm tory for use in cancer treatment. are killed Drugs: Essays list the ATC code if one exists; the types of cancer, side effect, or Function: Some background how on the immuneytessystemis the body. e T-l Health:y tpeasr ti no tfh , e th teh yinmnuaste need-Cancer Biology: T-lymphocyteshelpful in understanding T -lymphoc functiontoA y c pchelolcs Cancer imand the role they play in fighting cancer. The immunemunethis paoteindt.,SalemDthesntdanritly circulate through the body. betascytsivtem, con timother condition for which the drug is indicated; the delivery routes (such as pill form system is a complex of tissues, cells, and chemicals the body pro. Its-W ndritic cel ,finds a foreign microbe koer sa nso ambe- function nohrmena la c deel l fiet de ncgelullfssporro teeiantss a nthde m ceolvl easn tdh etam to their duced by is these to rid cells thethatbody spread of foreign throughout microbes cancer cells). and dam The-ofw tnh esu ernfagcues. This process is caled antigen presenta-or injection); the way the drug works; and side effects. aged or or abnormalthe bone marrow,othen moves tcoh tehse t thhey fmoruesi tgon fi annd- major gans of the body immune cells system (suchareas tion. The dendritic cellymph a ptonrd ms aat m CaDtc8h+ w ciethl aa nCdD a8c+- and a clear nodes, fluid th ymus,calledandlymph spleen. mov eImmune throughout system thebodycells ti gTe-nly. mWphheonc yat ed ewnhdoristeic r ecceel fiin a series of channels called lymphatic vessels that areT s , iitt .prehsee nCtsD t8h+ecaneltli guennd teor gtohe ns u clobnearloefx ipdaennstiiocanl,ti-vcaetel T e Procedures: These essays apprise patients and their caregivers of what cancers are separate from the blood-based circulatory system.deivlisd.ing rapidly to produce a large m TLs. The immune system has v2ediimmunevisions,the innate c Mostd CD8+ c become mune system and the adapti system. Theiminnate system consists of white blood cells (leukocytes)activau bannodr mmaolv celeelhsr othuagth mCotdhye irl oroekcep-cannot confer immunity against disease. While a celltesa saetc hbCTiLngs addressed, why the procedure is performed, how to prepare, aftercare, risks, and that respond rapidly to a wide range of microbes but thatleavet the thy moCrTL finds a match, it at s t th aches to the celin the innate system attackman kindsfor mWicrhoebne microbes, each cellofcan the adaptidifferentof a a chemical that causes the cel to burst.ve ysystemrecognizes aonrds . releases the range of results. and attacksytes only one type of microbe or damaged cell.CTLcst ipolnasy. a particularly important role in fighting viralT-lymphoc and B-lymphoc (see B-Lymphoc system.yte infeA few CD8+ cels become memory T-lymphocytes entry) are the major cells of the adaptiytesve immuneAdaptive system a microbe cellsbrespondut havemorethe ability slowly to when remember first en-insatneya dy eoafr sC TanLds .a Mreemory cels remain in the body forcountering m the basis for long-term immunity. Medical Specialties: Essays identify not only the names of the specializations but 838 T-Lymphocytes and cancer cell. (iStock)reesmpoonrydTreatment: body dayy immunesystemof If the same microbe inevmadoersythBe- lbymodpyh oacgyatiens,m ferent microbes The each is, exposed to thousands dif- also related subspecialists, the cancers they treat, how they are trained and certified, Cancer Biology.indd 838 T em 27/04/16 5:45 PM effectively sick. The and thema health before an individual q-uliycmklpyh tooc yctoenst roanl dth invader before the individual be-eliminates most of comes sic ak .dendritic cell presents an antigen to a surf CD4+acebecomes bodyimmune system, however, has chal-When lenges in eliminatingcells. surfacecellsproteins startthatoutcellscancer theCancerand the range of services and procedures they perform. T-lymphocyte whose receptor matches its foreign either as normal selfwith allbut point,these normal protein,the CD4+ cell activated andbecomes yte. identify them as intocells.Atcells, somethey often contin-a helperT-lymphocyteisora regulatoryT-lymphoccells transform cancerThere are at least 3 subgroups of helper T-lymphocytes: ue to have enough the surface proteins that originally Social and Personal Issues: Includes essays on lifestyle choices, nutritional directlyInstead,the response. mark edand them T-lymphoc as self cellsytes.toIfescapethe immune detection system by dendritic doesefreTh1, Th2, and Th17. Helper cells cannotthatkillcoordinateother cellsthe immune. systemy secreteOnechemicals subset of helper cells, cellsCancer Biology: TP53 proteinTh2, secretes antibodies a chemicalSalem ag Health:ainst thatforeignstimulates Cancer orabnormalB-lymphoc cells.ytes spond to transformed cells, the response cells ismaynot limited not be the fectiTh1,way viteissince in health the groy wthcells. of In cancer oraddition, disruptsomethe functioning cancer cells of CANCERsupplements, and complimentary or alternative therapies. prostate cancer cells. The drug does not cure the cancer,to produce athelpsCTLs.pnas.or more effective kill- make chemicals that turn off 15840-15842.RetrieAnotherve,In addition,somebecomeg/conmemory immune system cells. http://www cells -become tent/99/25/15840.fullers.T-lymphocytes. T-helperAs of 2015, the US Food and Drug Administration has but can prolong life.Another approach to treating cancer uses TILs andCD4+cellsbecomeregulatoryT-lymphoc appromearsn.i pTuhlae tpesr otcheesmsiisn c tahlele la baodroapttoivryetcoe lfil gthhte rcaepyrta (inA CcaTn)-,Other ResourcesinsteadSome of helper cells. Regulatory T-lymphocytes (referytesUnlikeved pre onlyventati 1 Tv-lymphoce vaccines,yte treatment cancer treatment vaccinesvareaccine. giv- Additional features in this set include tables that identify the most importantc A d c mel- American Cancer Societyto RegulatoryT-lymphocytesentry)monitor the activityen after a person already has cancer. The drug, called Sip-and it was first used to successftusl lym terleaanto mmeat atsutmatiomr otrh aist What ofotherT-lymphoccells, helppreventdoimmunewn theresponse uleucel-Tag ainstnormalbodyytes,y Research?immune entists tak, eis cells used from to treat the adv patientancedsprostateimmunecancersystem.Sciand- and anT IpLise ciesroefm thvee dp.a Itine nthe laboratory the tu Retries Neve at w in Cancer Immunotherap windthem in the laboratory to chemicals that turn them coontmaian.sochemotherapeutic and other drugs, as well as the symptoms and conditions theyseparated into tiny pieces that are grown in cultureT -cte h hhttp://www.cancerresponse once a microbe has been eliminated. expose dendritic cells with a specialmolecule artificially.org/treatment/treatmentsand-interleukin 2 (IL-2), a chemical thatc sy witle l Both T -lymphocw-immuno-rescan become are still learn- tumor-infil- into to stimulate a strong immuneresponseagainstCD4+ andytes CD8+ (TILs). cellsy/Researchers attached sideeffects/treatmenttypes/immunotherapb titmesu ldaetsetsr omy anyimmunotheraptratingy-whats-negrowth. In a few weeks, the T-lyms pohfo TarIeLrcee-ilnlstroduceding about TILs and how they can be used to fight cancer.839address, population statistics, survival rates, and other core information. Photographstuomroer t hleaanv tihnegbao dcyu ltcuoruel do fmaikleion thatCancer Research United Kingdomm The Immune System and Cancer. Retrieve at intothe patienyt.s Steimnc ed othees sen octe lrlesj eacrettchloenme,satnads titch emy ealrae- of self TILs,i http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about- cancer/ 27/04/16 5:45 PMabele mtom inufinelt rsate and successful the-immune-system-and-cancerthdisplay for readers typical instances of lesions, tumors, procedures, and anatomicalnomOar itguimnaolrlsy.,ACT workedy atack me tu- what-is-cancer/body-systems-and-cancer/Cancer Biology.indd 839only with melanomaNational Cancer Institute cross-sections to locate areas of the body affected. In addition, 8 appendixes at the endtoorss,e bauthreasrmTILl rsi raursewtoorkeinnegt iocnal plye refencgtiinnege rwayes Immunotherapy: Using the Immune System to Treat Can-m u earecshse v g th cer. Retrieve at patients own cells to make them more effective.gov/research/areas/treatment/http://www.cancery-using-immune-systemagainst difficult to threea cte clalsn a rteh e la h as acute lymphot-,immunotherapm cers tsaucebno frraotomry t,h of the final volume list Associations and Agencies, Cancer Centers and Hospitals, andblaanstiipcu lleautekde mainad.Tc r lo t iinent.k processe a npda titehnenSee also: B-lymphocytesceh-iimnterroidcu a cnetdi gienntothne epdaThisth is called recoeupgtohr re (s iseirnagp,y p (o). Alth CuAltRs )a rTe- cperlolmsebe- Cancer Support Groups, all of which contain the organizations websites. The last volumeseempasr asttei lle netxryisotbbee csahuosret -sliovmedeognecnee ttihceayll ya re l r-ienetrreod-r uTP53 proteincells a en geina d ipnptoea trh et patient. As of 2015i,n tgresteedn ti wn icthli TniIcLasl Category: HEALTHAlso known as: Cancer BiologyTumor protein P53, P53, cellular tumor closes with a master list of carcinogens and where these are found, two comprehensivednudce CAR T-cell therapy was be t aetm antigen P53, tumor suppressor P53, phosphoprotein trbialels l iasgt aoifn sctu mrreanntycdliifnfiecraeln ttr ikailnsd csa onf b cea nfocuenr.d A a ts ehatrtpc:h/-/ P53, antigen NY-CO-13, guardian of the genomeatables that identify Drugs by Generic Name and Drugs by Trade Name (including noteswww.clinicaltrials.gov. Tish Davidson, AM Definition: Proteins TP5up3p Trehses oTrP g5e3n pe.r oAtes itnh eismthoel epcruolda-r(For Further Informationwceti gohf tt haep pTePa5r3sttou mboe 53 kilodltonstk eD (a S)D w ectrryolu r-sS)h epno leylacon their uses), a Glossary of cancer terms (those not covered in the main essays), aKershaw, Michael H., Westwood, J. A., Slane of yGenetical, C. Y., &-phoirdees egde l,i ni t aissroedfeiurrmed d s 5u3l.f aTnh feu naccttiuoanls m aso lae ctrualna-r amtood aesc yTlP Darcy, P. K.(2014).T Cells Clinical in Cancer Application Therapy. Clinicalve at andwceriipgthito insf4a3c.t7o rk tDhaat.cTohnet rTolPs5 t3h ep eroxtperiession of many target sly Modifiedgeneral bibliography by category (types of cancers and other special interest areas), andTrwanslational 3: http:// gww.nature. cImmunoloom/cti/jogyur,nal /e16. ofe nthees.gTehneo mTPe53 b geecnaue siesooff teitnsrmeafenryre adn ttoic aasn ctheerfugnucatridoinasn.v3/n 5Retrie/full/cti20147a.Man,htmlYang-gao, Stojadinovic, A., Mason, J., Avital, I.,It also seems to be important in the process of sun tanning.a comprehensive subject index. Bilchik, Bruecher B., Jewett, A.(2013). T Biological function: The TP53tumor-suppressorgenemor-infiltrating A.,immune,cellspromotingtumor invua is located on chromosome 17 at17p13.1 and is essential sion and metastasis: existing theories. Journal of Can- vity is cer, 4(1): 84-95 T cells takeaimof Sciences, at cancer 99(25):. Pro-for cell function. by one clearly of se elucidated:veral mechanisms, activating mechanismsPardoll, Drew. (2012). Academy exhibitedThe TP53 proteins anticancer many acti of whichceedings of the National have not beenOctober 2025 | Four Volumes; 1,650 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-187-9 | Library Price: $455 840 that repair DNA, arresting the cell cycle and preventing it Cancer Biology.indd 840 27/04/16 5:45 PMGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 123 2024-12-12 12:29PM'