b'12 MYTHOLOGY & FOLKLORE LiteratureG d es d & s o o dsG esOF D AL S YT U IC Y RVE LOGY AN HOFOLKLOREM CRIT BEST SELLER! Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore:CRITICALSURVEYOFMYTHOLOGYANDFOLKLOREVIEW THIS BOOK Gods & Gods & GoddessesONLINEhttps://online.salempress.com Goddesses Readers will find the well-organized, contextualized, wide-ranging coverage here convenient and LITERATUREaccessible, with many leads to additional research. Library JournalThe myths of gods and goddesses have been a classic source of inspiration for literature, drama, and art, and Volume continue to be studied in classrooms around the world. This set examines these stories of gods and goddesses; 1 their relationships with each other and with human beings; their faults, foibles, and strengths; and their special ThGe Rreoemkanpowers. Over 500 essays provide portraits of gods and goddesses from around the globe: African gods; the Greek Weo, rCldeelatnicNorsurmoepricas and Roman pantheon; Aztec & Mayan gods; Norse & Celtic gods; Ancient gods from the Far East; Native American T&h eE A2-VOLUME SET VOLUME 1 deities; Egyptian gods and goddesses; Indian gods and goddesses; Middle Eastern gods; and gods and stories 978-1-6425-115-7 978-1-64265-307-64919 Route 22, PO B0o1x 56 SALEM from the Pacific. Each regional section begins with Overview essays that provide helpful background information on Phone: 51A8m-7e8n9i-a8 7N0Y01| 28500-562-2139 PRESSFax: 845-3b7o3osrk@salemprewwwwww.g.sraelyehmopursees.cs.ocmom c -6s3@6g0reyhoussse.c.coommFREEliterature, religion, mythology, and art of the region. Each regional section goes on to examine Gods & Goddesses, MYTHOLOGY & FOLKLOREOnline Access Minor Deities & Significant Figures, Sacred Places, Figures, Practices & Texts, and Selected Tales from the Region.FREEJanuary 2019 | Two Volumes; 959 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-115-7 | Library Price: $295BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!CRITICAL SURVEY OF MYTHOLOGY AND FOLKLORE Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore:Heroes & HeroinesAn excellent overview and jumping-off point for undergraduate and advanced high school students.BooklistDrawing upon the most widely read literature, as well as introducing readers to overlooked yet significant tales, the theme of the hero and heroine is one of the most universal stories told across cultures. Articles begin with a contextual overview of the important cultural and social currents surrounding the myth and the life of the author. A summary offers readers the major actions and characters in a myth followed by an in-depth analysis drawing upon scholarship in the field. Articles cover: Birth & Prophecy; Trial & Quest; the Host of Heroines; Myth Heroes & & Monstrosity; the Culture Hero; and a Survey of Myth & Folklore. Students, educators, and general readers will discover a broad critical and cultural survey that engages the contemporary imagination in the importance of Heroinesmyth, fairy tale, and other traditional literature. FREE Online Access September 2013 | One Volume; 516 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-181-6 | Library Price: $175FREECRITICAL SURVEY OF MYTHOLOGY AND FOLKLORE Critical Survey of Mythology & Folklore:World MythologyRecommended for high school and college students.BooklistDrawing upon the most widely read literature, this volume highlights a diverse range of cultures that spans the globe. Articles begin with a summary that offers readers the major actions and characters in the tale followed by an analysis of the important cultural and social interpretations of the author and myth. Myths in the volume are organized by regions of the world and cultures, such as Oceania, South East Asia, and Meso-America. In addition, twelve maps listing ancient cultures and charts on mythological figures provide a broad overview of major deities in world mythology. Students, educators, and general readers will discover a broad critical and Worldcultural survey that engages the contemporary imagination in the importance of myth, fairy tale, and other Mythologytraditional literature. FREEDecember 2013 | One Volume; 360 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-182-3 | Library Price: $175 Online AccessFREECritical Survey of Mythology & Folklore:Love, Sexuality, and DesireThis multicultural set will be very helpful to teachers, more advanced high-school students, and college students. A highly recommended purchase for public and school libraries.BooklistThis collection explores myths, folktales and legends, drawing upon the most dramatic and fantastical stories of love, sexuality, and desire from around the world. Fairy tales, myths, legends and folktales written from 5000 B.C.E. to the modern era are covered, including Cupid & Psyche, Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere, Aphrodite and Adonis, and many more. Articles begin with a contextual overview of the important cultural and social currents surrounding the myth and the life of the author. A summary offers readers the major actions and characters in a myth followed by an in-depth analysis drawing upon scholarship in the field.FREEJanuary 2013 | Two Volumes; 984 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-4298-3765-1 | Library Price: $295Online AccessFREEeBooks are also available - visit www.salempress.com for more informationGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 12 2024-12-12 12:24PM'