b'Health PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH 119Principles of Health: RECENT Occupational Therapy & Physical TherapyOccupational therapy and physical therapy are closely related fields, and practitioners often work in tandem. Occupational therapy involves developing, recovering, and maintaining the meaningful occupations or activities of individuals, groups, or entire communities; while physical therapy involves promoting, maintaining, and restoring a persons wellbeing through examination, diagnosis, rehabilitation, and ongoing health promotion. This volume explores both professions and where they intersect, including the conditions they treat, methods of treatment, and the histories of both fields. Also discussed are the latest developments, techniques, and technologies within these fields. Readers will be introduced to such topics as Assessment Development & Testing, Assistive Technology, Complementary/Alternative Approaches, Early Intervention, Ethics, Fall Prevention, Injury Recovery & Prevention, Military Rehabilitation, Pain Management, Pediatric Therapy, Rehabilitation and Disability, Sensory Integration and Processing, Spinal Cord Injury, and Traumatic Brain Injury. Essays are comprehensive and accessible to high FREE school students, undergraduates, and general readers interested in learning more about the important areas ofOnline AccessFREEoccupational and physical therapy. Each essay includes multiple subheads including an opening Summary andRECENTFurther Reading. The volume also includes a Glossary, Bibliography, and Subject Index.August 2023 | One Volume; 836 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-479-1Library Price: $165 BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER!Principles of Health:DepressionThis book is well written by experts in the field. It contains many different topics related to depression, providing theory, causal factors, assessment, and treatment options. Doodys ReviewsThis volume presents 120 topics that introduce readers to the fundamentals of depression as a medical condition.What Is Depression defines depression from a medical perspective. Types of Depression & Associated Conditions cover specific classes of depression as well as associated conditions. Recognizing Depression: Signs & Symptoms focus on ways to recognize signs of clinical or chronic depression. Screening & Diagnosis looks at current methods of diagnosing depression and the difficulty medical practitioners face due to the lack of lab tests to detect depression. Treatment & Medications consider various approaches to ameliorate depression, from medications to psychotherapy. Self Care & Helping Others discuss resources for those suffering from depression and offers suggestions if they, friends and family, or others they care for are experiencing persistent FREE feelings of sadness, depression, and/or anxiety. Entries include a categorysuch as Diseases/Disorders, Signs andOnline AccessSymptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Response, or Self Care and starts with a brief definition that summarizes theFREEtopic. Many entries include photographs and sidebars, and all entries end with helpful references. July 2021 | One Volume; 554 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-025-0 | Library Price: $165Principles of Health: Allergies & Immune DisordersContributing authors do well in presenting complex medical information at an accessible level. Recommended. Lower- and upper-division undergraduates. Students in two-year technical programs. General readers.CHOICEThis resource introduces students and researchers to the fundamentals of allergies and immune disorders using easy- PRINCIPLES OF HEALTHto-understand language. This volume includes 119 entries arranged in 6 broad categories.Immune System describes major components and functionality of the immune system. Immune System & Genetics tells the story of B lymphocyte genetics to provide a better understanding of what happens in the immune system when problems occur. Allergies, caused by an immune systems overreaction to normally harmless substances, can range from mild symptoms to life-threatening reactions. Immune System Diseases look at immunodeficiency and autoimmune response. Diseases discuss the complex relationship between the immune system and common medical disorders and infections. Medications offer information on prescription medications such as antihistamines, antiviral drugs, and biological FREE therapies. Essays are comprehensive and accessible to high school students, undergraduates, and general readers.Online AccessFREENovember 2021 | One Volume; 536 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-023-6 | Library Price: $165Principles of Health:NursingWith its coverage of nursing specialties, patient populations, and types of care, this is a perfect textbook foran introductory nursing course. Highly recommended.CHOICEUsing easy to understand language this volume introduces students and researchers to 104 topics in nursing. Entries are far reaching and include the background and evolution of the profession, as well as where a career in nursing can lead todayLPN, Perioperative Nurse, Clinical Research Nurse, Neonatal Nurse, Palliative NursetheHEALTHoptions are endless. In addition to nursing career options, this work includes valuable information about training to become a nurse, what skills you will need, what you can expect from different nursing specialties, and the different environments your work will take you. Each entry includes an Abstract that provides a brief, concrete summary of the topic and its significance, followed by a detailed essay that provides extensive background to the topic and explains its significance to the field of nursing. Photos and illustrations enhance many of the entries, and a list of Further Reading for those who wish to pursue the topic in more depth appears at the end of each entry.FREE Online AccessJanuary 2021 | One Volume; 356 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-768-5 | Library Price: $165 FREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 119 2024-12-12 12:29PM'