b'116 TEENS, PARENTING & FINANCIAL LITERACY EducationTeens Growing Up: Skills & StrategiesRECENTThere is no greater time of personal flux and development than ones teenage years. This volume brings together helpful information about the myriad aspects of teenage life, to aid parents, guardians, practitioners, and teenagers themselves in this crucial time in their lives. Hundreds of essays take a deep dive into issues that contemporary teenagers are facing now, and offer tools and strategies to help deal with difficulties in school, at home, and in teenagers personal lives.Here are just some of the issues and topics covered in this wide-ranging resource:Anxiety & Depression(ADHD)Bipolar Disorder Body Dysmorphic DisorderBullyingDrug & Alcohol Use or Misuse Eating DisordersFamily DynamicsGender Identity Grief & CopingLGBTQ+ IssuesMental Health Money ManagementNutritionPeer Pressure RacismSex & RelationshipsSleep Disorders FREE Social MediaTattoos & PiercingsTeen ParentingOnline Access All essays are written by experts in their fields, and start with a list of relevant issues and significance of the topic. RECENTFREESee Also: Helpful subheads, photographs, and charts punctuate the essays, all of which end with an annotated list for Adolescent Health & Wellness, pg. 121 Further Reading. Teens Growing Up: Skills & Strategies is designed to help parents and teenagers alike find their way during this transitional time, from identifying the many complex issues that can arise, to putting solutions into place with the goal of guiding teens into adulthood.July 2023 | One Volume; 535 Pages | Print ISBN 978-1-63700-548-4 | Library Price: $165Parenting: Styles & Strategies Valuable information and many additional resources for parents to explore.BooklistFor new parents, those thinking about becoming parents, and old pros, this volume brings togetherinformative and helpful information about parenting styles and strategies for infants, toddlers, school-age children, pre-teens, and teenagers. Hundreds of essays offer tools and strategies to help deal with difficult TEENS, PARENTING & FINANCIAL LITERACYbehavior, develop sound parenting techniques, and promote learning and cooperation. Here are just some of the issues and topics covered in this wide-ranging resource:Body ImageDrugs & AlcoholDigital Device Addiction Learning DisabilitiesLying & DishonestyMental Health FREE Parenting DisagreementsPeer PressurePoor Eating HabitsOnline AccessRelationships & DatingSibling RivalrySpeech DevelopmentFREEAll essays are written by experts in their fields, and start with a list of relevant issues and significance of the G rey House topic. Parenting: Styles & Strategies is designed to help parents and prospective parents better prepare for P ublishing the issues they will face as they raise their children: how to identify various issues and behaviors; how to put solutions and best-practices into place; and how to reward positive behavior, all with the goal of raising happy and productive children. August 2022 | One Volume; 389 pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-147-9 | Library Price: $165Financial Literacy Starter Kit NEW! from Grey House PublishingThis volume helps high school students and undergraduates manage their financesimportantinformation that they will take with them into adulthood. Updated and expanded, each chapter is devoted to a specific topic relevant to those who are just starting out. Individual chapters provide easy-to-follow guidance about making a budget, managing debt, calculating the cost of college, paying back student loans, starting a 401(k), health insurance, renting an apartment, renters insurance, buying a car, starting a career, career advancement, maintaining and balancing a checking account, and how to become an investor. This title takes the guesswork out of financial decision making, providing information necessary for students to get started onFREE Online Access their financial future. FREE NEW! September 2024 | One Volume; 521 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-845-4 | Library Price: $295EDUCATIONEducation TodayStarting with an historical look at education, articles cover a wide range of topics, including Education Theory, Psychology, Law, Government, School Safety, Diversity, Curriculum, Counseling, Testing, Alternative Education, and Teacher Education.April 2018 | Three Volumes; 3,021 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-712-9 | Library Price: $295 FREE Online AccessFREEGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 116 2024-12-12 12:29PM'