b'Science PRINCIPLES: EARTH SCIENCE, ARCHAEOLOGY 107Principles of Marine ScienceEntries are well written and accurate. Recommended.CHOICEPrinciples of Marine Science introduces readers to the fundamentals of oceanography. Entries provide in-depth examinations of more than 100 topics, many with illustrations, diagrams, and models. Readers will find data on Chemical Oceanography, Marine Conservation, Ocean Colonization, Paleoceanography, Coastal Sciences, Pollution, and more. Each entry includes an Abstract, a detailed Essay that explores its significance to the field of marine science; and a list of Further Reading. This will be a helpful tool for students who are just beginning their study of marine science. FREE Online AccessNovember 2020 | One Volume; 658 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-766-1 | Library Price: $165 FREEPrinciples of ClimatologyThis volume provides readers with the important information needed to understand the basic concepts ofclimatology. Climatology is related not only to weather, but to agriculture, urban planning, the economy, and political action. More than 120 entries, many with illustrations and photographs, cover topics such as Condensation Level, Greenhouse Effect, Microclimate, Sea Surface Temperature, and more. This volume will be an important addition to high school and undergraduate libraries with a focus on providing up-to-date resources for students engaged in STEM studies as well as to science collections at all levels. BEST SELLER! PRINCIPLES: EARTH SCIENCE, ARCHAEOLOGY FREE October 2018 | One Volume; 595 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-943-7 | Library Price: $165Online AccessPrinciples of Astronomy FREEAnother well-designed volume in a series that provides strong, basic coverage of key concepts in theprimary sciences. Against the GrainThis volume introduces readers to the fundamentals of astronomy, from the naked-eye observations of the earliest astronomers to the space probes, manned missions, and space stations of today. Entries are enhanced with illustrations, star charts, photographs taken from space observatories, and more. This volume is a helpful tool for students and researchers who are just beginning their study of astronomy and need a solid background of the keyFREE terms and elements in the field. Online AccessFREEMay 2016 | One Volume; 400 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-61925-948-5 | Library Price: $165 See Also: The Solar System, pg. 113Principles of GeologyPrinciples of Geology explores the science about the solid Earth, the rocks that comprise it, the processes by which they change over time, along with other Earth sciences like hydrology and the atmospheric sciences, as they integrate into Earth and planetary science. Content includes broad categories of geology, as well as the wide variety of methods and tools used by geologists. Each entry includes an Abstract that provides a brief, concrete summary of the topic and its significance; a detailed Essay that provides extensive background on the topic and explores its significance to the field of geology; and a list of Further Reading. FREE Online AccessSeptember 2021 | One Volume; 531 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-64265-042-6 | Library Price: $165FREEARCHAEOLOGYPrinciples of Archaeology NEW! Spring 2025Archaeological fieldwork is a painstaking processinstead of thrilling adventures full of intrigue and mayhem, theSCIENCEarchaeologist is immersed in the meticulous work of carefully uncovering and cataloging tiny bits of material fromPrinciples of the past. Still, archaeology is not for the faint of heart. As a discipline, it demands reasoned analysis on few detailsArchaeology in its attempt to give us invaluable insights into the past. Archaeology draws on chemistry to identify materials as well as radiochemistry and physics to identify the age of materials. Geology and stratigraphy help determine the placement of artifacts in a location and time period. The discovery and curation of historical documentsfrom rock paintings and carvings to clay tablets and papyrus scrollsprovide yet more information and context for further research. Concepts explored in this volume include: Stratigraphic ExcavationChemical AnalysisCarbon Dating ArtifactsHuman Impact on the EnvironmentTrash Analysis Mortuary PracticesPlant and Animal RemainsHistorical DocumentsPrinciples of Archaeology offers readers a curated collection of 125 articles that speak to many different aspects of the field of archaeology and provide insights into the contributions of some of its significant figures. Each article includes FREE NEW!Online Accessa brief abstract, a list of relevant terms, and a number of references for further reading. Principles of Archaeology is anFREEexcellent resource for students at the high school and undergraduate levels of education, providing a solid overview of this understated science and perhaps sparking the curiosity of a new class of future archaeologists.January 2025 | One Volume; 500 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-179-4 | Library Price: $165 PRINTED INSee Also: Careers in Archaeology & Museum Services pg. 99 FULL COLORGET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 107 2024-12-12 12:29PM'