b'106 PRINCIPLES: EARTH SCIENCE ScienceEARTH SCIENCEPrinciples ofNEW! Fall 2025 Principles ofEnvironmental Engineering PRINTED INEnvironmental EngineeringEnvironmental engineering is the practice of intentionally altering an environment orFULL COLORenvironmental process for a specific purpose. While ponds created by beaver dams are an example of environmental engineering occurring in the natural environment, as a human activity, environmental engineering has a long history. Generally, scientific theories and principles are applied in an effort to minimize negative effects from human activities and maximize benefit to human society. Environmental engineers thus often tread a fine line between the needs of humans and the needs of the natural environment.Environmental engineering is a multidisciplinary field, often seen as a subdiscipline of or adjunct to civil and chemical engineering. It involves the sciences of chemistry, biology, physics, ecology, geology, hydrology, hydraulics, microbiology, and mathematics, as well as the many subtopics in these sciences. This latest volumeFREEin Salem Press Principles of Science series contains a curated collection of approximately 125 articles that Online Access NEW!provide a comprehensive overview of this field, solidly grounded in specific technical topics and supplemented FREEwith key individuals and thought leaders in the history of human environmental engineering as well as case studies and the ethical dilemmas of controversial projects.September 2025 | One Volume; 450 Pages | Print ISBN: 979-8-89179-185-5 | Library Price: $165Principles of RECENT Forestry & ConservationThis volume introduces students and researchers to the fundamental concepts of forestry and conservation, two PRINCIPLES: EARTH SCIENCEinterrelated disciplines concerned with planning and maintaining forested areas to preserve ecosystems, ensure sustainable use of natural materials, and safeguard genetic diversity. In addition to providing habitats for animals, forests prevent soil erosion, offer watershed protection, and alleviate climate change. Written in accessible language, this volume aims to help readers develop a meaningful understanding of this important and evolving topic. Natural Vs. Man-Made ForestsAmazon RainforestDeforestation & Clear-Cutting FREE Forest Floor DecompositionBiodiversity ManagementLandscape ProtectionOnline AccessGenetic Engineering & Forest Tree ImprovementRECENTFREEWith 125 individual essays, this volume gives readers a solid overview of forestry and conservation and the major concepts and contemporary issues surrounding the field of forestry today. Principles ofAugust 2023 | One Volume; 688 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-723-5 | Library Price: $165Fire SciencePrinciples of Fire ScienceUsing easy-to-understand language, this volume helps readers develop a meaningful understanding and appreciation of fire science, the study of the chemistry, physics, and environmental variables that comprise and control the many properties of fire. This volume covers such issues as combustion chemistry, energy production and conversion, thermographic study, fire control, increasing wildfires, and many others. Entries include: Chemical Oxidation ProcessesVapor PressureFuels Fire Suppression & ExtinguishmentWildfiresEnvironmental IssuesSCIENCE FREEEntries include Fields of Study, an Abstract, Key Concepts, a full Essay that discusses background and significance, Online Access and Further Reading for current references on the topic. With approximately 125 individual essays, this volume FREE gives readers a solid overview of fire and the major concepts and contemporary issues surrounding its role in the world. An invaluable resource for students at the high school and undergraduate levels, especially those considering BEST SELLER! careers in fire science.August 2022 | One Volume: 459 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-377-0 | Library Price: $165Principles of SustainabilityWhether researchers want to know how to live or work more sustainably, or want to know more about the ecology or politics involved in sustainability, this is the resource to turn to. Over 100 easy-to-understand entries provide readers with a solid understanding of the ecology, economics, politics and culture of sustainability, including: Sustainable CitiesNatural Resource ManagementCommunity Health Green BuildingEco-TourismRenewable EnergyThis volume provides readers with the necessary information to learn about and fully understand the major concepts, environmental concerns, and politics surrounding sustainability. FREE Online Access December 2017 | One Volume; 447 Pages | Print ISBN: 978-1-68217-607-8 | Library Price: $165FREESee Also: Prioritizing Sustainability, pg. 115GET ONLINE ACCESS(800) 221-1592 WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.salempress.com2024-433 Salem Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 106 2024-12-12 12:29PM'