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Addictions & Substance Abuse  Adolescent Health & Wellness  Complementary & Alternative Medicine  Infectious Diseases & Conditions  Principles of Health: Obesity  Principles of Health: Pain Management  Salem Health: Addictions, Substance Abuse & Alcoho  Salem Health: Nutrition


The 1920s in America  The 1930s in America  The 1940s in America  The 1950s in America  The 1960s in America  The 1970s in America  The 1980s in America  The 1990s in America  The 2000s in America  American Presidents  Civil Disobedience, Social Justice, Nationalism &  Civil Rights Movement  Computer Technology Innovators  Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Central & South Ame  Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Central, South & So  Countries, Peoples & Cultures: East Asia & The Pac  Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Eastern & Southern  Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Eastern Europe  Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Middle East & North  Countries, Peoples & Cultures: North America & The  Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Western & Central A  Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Western Europe  Defining Documents in American History: The 1920s  Defining Documents in American History: The 1930s  Defining Documents in American History: The 1950s  Defining Documents in American History: The 1960s  Defining Documents in American History: The 1970s  Defining Documents in American History: The American Revolution (1754-  Defining Documents in American History: The Americ  Defining Documents in American History: Civil Righ  Defining Documents in American History: Civil War  Defining Documents in American History: The Cold W  Defining Documents in American History: Dissent an  Defining Documents in American History: The Emerge  Defining Documents in American History: Exploratio  Defining Documents in American History: The Legacy  Defining Documents in American History: Manifest D  Defining Documents in American History: Postwar 19  Defining Documents in American History: Reconstruc  Defining Documents in American History: Secrets, L  Defining Documents in American History: The Vietna  Defining Documents in American History: World War  Defining Documents in American History: World War I (1914-1919)  Defining Documents in World History: The 19th Cent  Defining Documents in World History: The 20th Cent  Defining Documents in World History: The Ancient W  Defining Documents in World History: Asia  Defining Documents in World History: Middle Ages (  Defining Documents in World History: The Middle Ea  Defining Documents in World History: Nationalism a  Fashion Innovators  Financial Literacy Starter Kit  Great Athletes  Great Athletes of the Twenty-First Century  Great Events from History: The 21st Century (2000-  Great Events from History: African American Histor  Great Events from History: The Eighteenth Century  Great Events from History: LGBTQ, 2nd Edition  Great Events from History: The Middle Ages, 477-14  Great Events from History: Modern Scandals  Great Events from History: The Nineteenth Century  Great Events from History: Renaissance & Early Mod  Great Events from History: The Seventeenth Century  Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1901-1940  Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1941-1970  Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century,  Great Lives from History: African Americans  Great Lives from History: The Ancient World, Prehi  Great Lives from History: The Incredibly Wealthy  Great Lives from History: Inventors & Inventions  Great Lives from History: Latinos  Great Lives from History: Latinos, 2nd Edition  Great Lives from History: Notorious Lives  Great Lives from History: The Twenty-First Century  Internet Innovators  Milestone Documents in African American History  Milestone Documents in American History  Milestone Documents in World History  Milestone Documents of American Leaders  Milestone Documents of World Religions  Music Innovators  * Pandemics: The Invisible Enemy  Treaties in the News  World Political Innovators

Literature - Critical Insights: Authors

Critical Insights: Douglass, Frederick  Critical Insights: Joyce, James  Critical Insights: Miller, Arthur  Critical Insights: Twain, Mark  Critical Insights: Wright, Richard

Literature - Critical Insights: Themes

Critical Insights: The American Comic Book  Critical Insights: Censored & Banned Literature  Critical Insights: Coming of Age  Critical Insights: Cultural Encounters  Critical Insights: Dystopia  Critical Insights: Family  Critical Insights: The Fantastic  Critical Insights: Good and Evil  Critical Insights: Greed  Critical Insights: The Hero’s Quest  Critical Insights: Historical Fiction  Critical Insights: Nature and the Environment  Critical Insights: Satire  Critical Insights: Survival  Critical Insights: Technology and Humanity  Critical Insights: War

Literature - Critical Insights: Works

Critical Insights: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn  Critical Insights: Animal Farm  Critical Insights: Brave New World  Critical Insights: Crucible, The  Critical Insights: The Diary of a Young Girl  Critical Insights: Fahrenheit 451  Critical Insights: The Great Gatsby  Critical Insights: Hamlet  Critical Insights: The Inferno  Critical Insights: Lord of the Flies  Critical Insights: Macbeth  Critical Insights: Nineteen Eighty-Four  Critical Insights: Of Mice and Men  Critical Insights: The Outsiders

Critical Surveys of Literature

CSGN: Heroes & Superheroes, First Edition  Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: History, Theme,  Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: Manga  Critical Survey of Long Fiction: African American  Critical Survey of Long Fiction: Asian Novelists  Critical Survey of Long Fiction: English Novelists  Critical Survey of Long Fiction: Latin American No  Critical Survey of Mythology and Folklore: Gods an  Critical Survey of Young Adult Literature  Introduction to Literary Context: American Post-Mo  Introduction to Literary Context: American Short F  Notable African American Writers

Magill's Literary Annual

Magill's Literary Annual Cumulative Title Index  Magill's Literary Annual Cumulative Author Index  Magill’s Literary Annual 2015  Magill’s Literary Annual 2014  Magill’s Literary Annual 2013  Magill’s Literary Annual 2012  Magill’s Literary Annual 2011  Magill’s Literary Annual 2010  Magill’s Literary Annual 2009  Magill’s Literary Annual 2008


Applied Science  Applied Science: Engineering and Mathematics  Applied Science: Science and Medicine  Applied Science: Technology  Earth Science: Earth Materials and Resources  Earth Science: Earth’s Weather, Water, and Atmosph  Earth Science: Earth's Surface and History  Earth Science: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth  Encyclopedia of Energy  Encyclopedia of Global Resources  Principles of Biotechnology  Principles of Computer Science  Principles of Physical Science  Principles of Programming & Coding  Principles of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence


Principles of Business: Accounting  Principles of Business: Economics  Principles of Business: Entrepreneurship  Principles of Business: Finance  Principles of Business: Management  Principles of Business: Marketing


Careers in Sports & Fitness  Careers Outdoors